- Black bearded saki n. 黑须僧面猴
- With his black beard and long black hair. 他的黑胡须和长长的黑发使他看上去面目狰狞。
- This old man shaved his shaggy black beard. 这老人剃掉了他浓而粗的胡子。
- Endangered species in the newly protected areas include the giant otter and northern bearded saki monkey, along with rare species such as the jaguar, giant anteater and black spider monkey. 这些新的保护区里有许多濒临绝种的生物,包括有巨大水獭、北方长须狐尾猴等,以及许多稀有的物种,例如美洲豹、巨食蚁兽以及黑蜘蛛猴等。
- A man with a black beard and huge round eyes was staring at him. 一个黑胡子的人正睁着圆圆的大眼睛瞪着他。
- The boy does not have beard.You have a lond black beard. 例如:那个年轻女孩的头发不是短发。
- Barrymore showed us to our rooms He was a tall,handsome man,with a full black beard. 白瑞摩把我们带到了各自的房间。他是个高大、英俊的男子,留着满腮的黑胡子。
- He had dark hair streaked with white and a bristling black beard, and he was wearing a fashionable multicolored tunic. 他的头发斑白,留着直挺的黑胡子,穿着一件时髦的多彩紧身衣。
- Then he asked Dr Mortimer if anyone with a large black beard lived in or near Baskerville Hall. 如果他想在伦敦加害您的话,那我们将很难阻止他或在事后捕获他。但在乡下我们的机会就会大一些了。”
- In his prime, the portly singer known for his black beard and cheerful demeanor was a favorite of opera critics and audiences around the world. 在他生涯鼎胜时期,这位以其黑胡子和欢快风度著称的身宽体胖歌手深受全世界歌剧评论家和观众的喜爱。
- Standing Qichi, Mianpang Plumper, black beard Qixiong Tongxinluo the three, two bright eyes Jiongjiongyoushen.Two golden statue like twin brothers. 身高七尺,面庞丰润,黑色的三络胡须齐胸,明亮的两只眼睛炯炯有神。
- Frank, pictured in the newspaper with two nose rings, long, bleached hair and a black beard, approached Beck during a walkabout and held him responsible for controversial labour market reforms which cut benefits for the long-term unemployed. 从报纸上刊登的图片来看,弗兰克的脸上钉着两个鼻环,有着一头长长的白发但胡须却是黑黑的,他走近当时正在人群中巡游的贝克,并且要求对方为那种大幅度削减长期失业者福利待遇且引发强烈争议的劳动力市场改革举措负责。
- It is said that the ancient history of black beard adult Yang west, while his son left behind, the pass now look back and see his son, named tamarind clearance, clearance for short look. 相传古有黑胡子杨大人西征,途中儿子掉队,行至此关隘回头瞧望儿子,故名望子关,简称望关。
- With his trim black beard and short hair gelled into shiny black wavelets, Abdel hovered on the edge of the circle surrounding the youths who admitted to their involvement in the violence. 有著整齐的黑色山羊胡,和发胶抹成光亮的黑色小波浪的短发,Abdel在环绕承认参加暴力行动的青少年的人群周围徘徊著。
- He was in black from crew to earing. 他全身上下都穿着黑衣服。
- He whipped up a pistol and shot at the black bear. 他急忙抓起手枪,向那头黑熊射击。
- Many people were taken off by the Black Plague. 许多人被黑死病夺去了生命。
- The man is carrying a small black plastic handbag. 这个人提着一个黑色的小塑料提袋。
- The old trade in black ivory is on more. 昔日非洲黑奴的买卖已不复存。
- The black sedan suddenly drew out into the traffic. 黑色轿车突然开动,驶进了车流。