- Bidens frondosa L. 大狼把草
- It has been found that some weeds having high enriching abilities of Cu included Poa annua, Soliva anthemifolia, Lepidium virginicum and Bidens frondosa; 结果表明,对 Cu吸收和富集能力较强的有早熟禾( Poa annua)、裸柱菊( Soliva anthemifolia)、北美独行菜 (Lepidium virginicum)、北美鬼针草( Bidens frondosa);
- Bidens frondosa n. 大狼杷草
- Emanuel and Vice President-elect Joe Biden. 周五他将打破沉默,举行新闻发布会并发表讲话。
- Senator Biden is known as an outspoken politician. 拜登参议员一向以直言不讳而著称。
- "God only knows what he wants," said Biden. “只有上帝知道他想要什么。
- The identifying characteristics of eight weed seeds of Bidens L. in compositae were described in this paper. These genera are B. pilosa, B. bipinnata, B. parviflora, B. biternata, B. frondosa, B. cernua, B. maximowicziana and B. tripartite. 杂草种子的识别特征进行了描述。 这 8种鬼针草为 :三叶鬼针草 (B .;pilosa)、鬼针草 (B
- Studies on the chemical constituents of Bidens bipinnata L. 中药鬼针草化学成分的研究。
- Studing the Relive Pain Function of Bidens Bipinnata L. 鬼针草镇痛机制的初步研究。
- Objective:To study the relive pain theory of Bidens bipinnata L.. 目的:研究鬼针草镇痛作用机制。
- Analysis of components of volatile oil from Bidens pilosa L. 白花鬼针草的挥发油成分分析。
- Parabonzia trioxys sp. nov. , Neoscirula bidens sp. nov. and N. 和3新种:三叉副帮佐螨Parabonzia trioxys sp.;nov;
- Bidens cernua L. were found in the rice fields of Longjing area. 同时在龙井地区稻田还发现柳叶鬼针草(Bidens cernua L.;)
- The Induction of Autopolyploid of Bidens bipinnata L. 鬼针草(Bidens bipinnata L.;)多倍体的诱变
- Mr Biden dropped out after coming fifth in the Iowa caucuses. 而拜登在第五场初选,即爱荷华州初选之后就宣布退出。
- Pharmacognosy identification of the ethnic medicine plant bidens poilsa L. 民族药鬼针草的生药学鉴定。
- A deciduous shrub(Gaylussacia frondosa) of the eastern United States, having dark blue fruits. 黑果木美国东部的一种落叶灌木(越桔类黑果木),结有深蓝色果实
- Purpose To establish determination method of grifola frondosa beta-glucan for injection (GFGI). 摘要目的建立注射用灰树花倍他葡聚糖的含量测定方法。
- Biden wasn't the only one who dropped the ball. Newsweek has learned that Sen.Strom Thurmond, the ranking Republican on Judiciary, didn't tell all the five GOP members of the allegations. 犯错的不只拜登一人。《新闻周刊》获悉司法委员会资深共和党参议员瑟曼未将指控告知所有5位共和党委员。
- Song Airong Polysaccharide of the fungus, from the beginning of Grifola frondosa. 宋爱荣对真菌多糖的研究,是从灰树花开始的。