- Belimer bleacher 贝尔麦式漂白机
- Why Are Flour Bleacher Not Ceased to Use? 面粉增白剂风波何时休?
- It is bleacher, it is strong oxidant. 它是漂白剂,又是强氧化剂。
- Tim:Those are really expensive! Let's just get bleacher seats. 提姆:包厢座位很贵!我们还是买露天看台座位好了。
- Bleacher Report: Philadelphia fans are known to be brutal. 费城的球迷是出了名的野蛮。
- This process needs two chapel time, I besmear every other day bleacher. 大概会重复三次。
- Things, bleacher or food meet the family that contains chloric part reach trough. 含有氯成分的家庭用品、漂白剂或食物会伤及水槽。
- The enzyme can reduce the rates of bleacher and improve the quality of papers when it was used in bleaching paper pulp. 用在纸浆漂白中可减少漂白剂的用量并提高纸张质量。
- Dick Story American Psycho II: All American Girl Bleacher Bums The Brady Bunch in the White... Dead Silence Hunchback; The 意外的春天 Sweet Hereafter; The 爱你的五种方法 The Five...
- The odour of this kind of bleacher is a bit pungent, after need suits, ability is accepted. 治疗过程约持续1个多小时,但在我感受中,这个过程相当相当漫长。
- Few, not least of all Fenway's bleacher denizens, were surprised by the result with a rookie making his second career start at Fenway. 很少人对这位菜鸟在芬威球场的结果有任何惊讶的地方。
- If you've been here on Bleacher Report for the past few months, you realize that people have written articles about the best-looking football helmets. 在这篇言辞刻薄的评论文章里,朱大可赞扬李安有“把握住历史细节的卓越能力”,但在性爱的造型话语方面,“他甚至比印度和越南等亚洲导演更为贫乏。”
- He slowly reaches into his pocket and reveal sa quarter.He inserts the quarter into the slotted head of the bleacher bolt and loosens it. 他把手慢慢地伸进裤兜里拿出了一个二角五分硬币,将硬币插入那个看台螺钉的槽头,开始旋松它。
- Process: This method is very simple, use appropriative brush to be bleacher besmear on the tooth later in clean tooth namely. 过程:我首先戴上了眼罩,医生在牙肉上涂上了保护物质,接着涂上专业的牙齿漂白剂,然后用一种蓝光照射牙齿激活那些成分。
- Man-made stone mesa should prevent the bleacher in water and furring to make mesa color becomes shallow, the influence is beautiful. 若不慎与以上物品接触,立即用大量肥皂水冲洗表面。
- In this paper, the properties, manufaturing methods and applications of new type bleacher and germicide - chlorine dioxide are reviewed. 本文简要介绍了新型漂白、杀菌剂二氧化氯的性质;各种制备方法及用途.
- But cannot use the scour that contains bleacher, such meetings make cotton qualitative change of white yellow, or make colored cotton qualitative fade. 但是不能用含漂白剂的洗涤剂,这样会让白色的棉质变黄,或使有颜色的棉质掉色。
- ETG EICHNER TECHNIK GMBH is a company operating within many ranges and offers Stage engineering, Bleacher construction services as well as Stage building. ETG EICHNER TECHNIK GMBH是一家诚信的、效能的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、门的产品,例如舞台搭建、台结构,舞台技术。
- Answer: as the water container a great quantity of bleacher and furring if it stay on the stone surface for long time it will change the color of the countertop affect the beauty. 答:因为水中含有大量的漂白剂和水垢,停留时间过久后,会使台面颜色变浅,影响美观。
- Bleacher can be used anything but when cleaning, do not want dehydration and drying as far as possible, want natural airing, lest destroy the simple sense of curtain itself. 清洗时决不能用漂白剂,尽量不要脱水和烘干,要自然风干,以免破坏窗帘本身的质感。