- How to Enhance the Editorial Work of Journal of Beijing City College in Order to Better Serve the Studying and Teaching 学报编辑工作如何更好地为学校教学和科研服务
- Beijing City College n. 北京城市学院
- Beijing CITI BEN GS Product Co.Ltd. 北京吉信气弹簧制品有限公司。
- Less than a decade ago, Beijing city was an industrial wasteland. 不到十年前,北京市还是一片工业荒原。
- Beijing City is an independently administered municipal district. 北京是直辖市。
- Chinese Armed Police Forces Beijing City Corps Hospital No. 武警北京总队第三医院。
- The accessary hospital of lukewarm city college of medicine goes looking! 温州医学院的附属医院去看看!
- A study on characteristics of tree water-consumption in Beijing City. 北京地区常见城市绿化树种蒸腾耗水特性的研究。
- Pupil-sitters are popular in Beijing city in the past summer holiday. 例句在刚刚过去的暑期中,京城陪玩家教市场走俏。
- City College is located in Wu Shu, Tai Yu slightly to the east, north Wu Shu overpass. 学院位于太原市武宿,东临太榆略,北望武宿立交桥。
- I would like to know the Wuhan City College campus newsstand purchase channels of what? 我想知道武汉市各高校校内报刊亭的进货渠道有哪些?
- Hu Danian:Assistant Professor,the History Department of the City College ,City University of New York. 胡大年:助理教授,纽约城市大学城市学院历史系。
- Kerry opened his speech at Pasadena City College with several one-liners, saying that Bush had lived in Texas but now "lives in a state of denial. 在帕萨迪娜城市学院,克里用了几个小笑话来做开场白,他说:“布什曾在得克萨斯州生活,但现在却生活在‘否认之国’。
- Beijing City is Constructing the Safe Production System of the Edible Farm Products. 北京市建设食用农产品安全生产体系。
- John Antrobus, a retired professor of psychology and sleep research at the City College of New York says that dream content is tied to our anxieties. 纽约市大学心理与睡眠研究所的退休教授JohnAntrobus认为,梦的内容和我们的焦虑有关。
- Manufactory lies in Qinglong Lake County Fangshan District Beijing City China, Main process Yellow Quartzite. 工厂位于中国北京市房山区青龙湖镇,主要生产加工黄木纹石英岩。
- The largest palace of the world, the Forbidden City, is located on the central axis of Beijing city. 世界上最大的皇宫--紫禁城,坐落在京城的中轴线上。
- Ningbo City College of Vocational Technology (NBCC) is approved by Zhejiang Provincial Government as a full-time general state-owned college with an independent legal entity. 宁波城市职业技术学院是经浙江省人民政府批准,在原宁波大学职业技术教育学院基础上组建的、独立设置的普通全日制高校。
- Results: Nurses in general hospitals of urban field of Beijing city were in a high job burnot state. 北京城区综合性医院护士处于高度职业倦怠状态;情绪衰竭699人;占93.;4%25;去个性化646人;占86