- Beihang University Press n. 北京航空航天大学出版社
- This book is published by Oxford University Press. 这本书是牛津大学出版社出版的。
- Reply to Publicity Department, FREEPOST, Oxford University Press, Oxford. 回信免费邮寄至牛津牛津大学出版社宣传部。
- This book is publishedby Oxford University Press. 这本书是牛津大学出版社出版的。
- Song Luolan of university's relation of Microsoft Asian research to MSTC of Beihang University on the screen.Ms. 俱乐部成立三年以来,从当初的初建到现在的颇具规模,经历了许许多多。
- By Beijing Language and Culture University Press. 北京语言文化大学出版社。
- East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. 国立政治大学东亚研究所硕士论文。
- Tao and Ruan had once studied in Beihang University and with great efforts they finally entered Microsoft Research Asia and Microsoft Research. 因为到7点的时候有来自微软亚洲研究院高校关系经理的马歆和陈雯,还有分别在研究院和工程院实习的陶李天、阮哲同学。
- Durhan, N.C.: Duke University Press. 台北:中华文化复兴运动推行委员会。
- London: McGill-Queen's University Press. 台北:稻乡出版社。
- Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1987. Jorden 和Mari Noda着,耶鲁大学出版, 1987)。
- The general report of "the development and the actuals of sheet metal forming industry", made by the professor Mr. Zhou Xianbin from Beihang University, domestic famous expert. 国内著名的行业专家、北京航空航天大学的周贤宾教授作了“金属板材成形行业的现状及发展”的综合报告。
- London : H.Milford, Oxford University Press, 1929. 附注 Originally published: New Haven : Yale University Press ;
- Police Studies, 1995 - 1998, MCB University Press. 世界警察参考资料.;公安部公共安全研究所;1990-1997
- I gave my book to the Peking University Press on quires. 我把我的书以散叶形式交给了北京大学出版社。
- Chen Matthew Y (2000): Tone Sandhi, Cambridge University Press. 蒋绍愚(1994):《近代汉语研究概况》,北京大学出版社,北京。
- Positions: east asia cultures critique Duke University Press. 出版的一本关于东亚文化和亚裔美国人的杂志。
- Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 玛丽?雪莱,《科学怪人》。牛津:牛津大学出版社,2001年版。
- Computer Department of Beihang University 北京航空航天大学计算机系