- The fourth chapter deals with the pioneering effect of Czerny"s piano works to romanticism. 第四章阐述了车尔尼钢琴音乐对浪漫主义的开拓作用。
- The Chapter three in two sections is the consideration of "Aesthetics" in the Satie" s piano works, namely the expression and meaning of "Dadaism" and"Superrealism" . 第三章是对萨蒂钢琴作品中美学问题的思考,分为两节。第一节是传统有序结构在萨蒂钢琴作品中的表现;
- Yet the detailed analysis for every stage is conducive to the all-rounded understanding on the entire development of piano art, and thus plays an important role in the study of China"s piano works. 而对每个阶段的详细分析,有助于对整个钢琴艺术发展做更加全面的了解,对中国钢琴作品的研究具有重要的意义和作用。
- It 's one of Chopin 's piano concertos . 这是肖邦的钢琴协奏曲之一。
- It's one of Chopin 's piano concertos. 这是肖邦的钢琴协奏曲之一。
- The Tempo Marks in Beethoven 's Piano Sonata 贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲的速度标记
- The Competition is devoted entirely to the piano works of Franz Liszt. 该项赛事的上届冠军是上海选手孙颖迪。
- When studied several piano works of Brahms, I found that structures which he used are not always in regular form. 勃拉姆斯的作品并非一直使用典型的古典结构,且曲中洋溢着浪漫情怀。
- Chopin created lots of piano works in his short life, and nocturne was the most important component of his works. 肖邦在短暂的一生创作了大量的钢琴作品,而夜曲是其钢琴作品中的重要组成部分。
- It has made completed and detailed research about piano works of Debussy, especially his impressionism and symbolism. 有关德彪西的钢琴作品,人们已对其印象主义、象征主义风格作了深入细致的研究。
- Mr wang is the famous educationist and composer who merely creates piano works in our country. 王建中先生是我国著名的作曲家、钢琴教育家,也是我国少数几个几乎只创作钢琴作品的作曲家之一。
- In Debussy s piano music, he employs the pentatonic scale, diatonic, chromatic and parallel chords to expand the acoustical effects of the piano. 因此,若要诠释德布西的作品,除了从音乐本身之外,还要藉助于具有微妙神韵的文学性想像力与充满色彩和立体感的美术创作鑑赏力。
- And in the last chapter, the author will give his own idea on Rachmaninoff"s piano music style from the aspect of piano performance. 第四章针对拉赫玛尼诺夫的钢琴音乐风格,从钢琴演奏的角度表达了作者的看法。
- This paper respectively researches and analyzes WangJianZhong"s piano reorganizing creation and the creation with modern techniques. 本文就王建中的钢琴曲改编创作和运用现代技法的创作分别进行了研究分析。
- Debussy was constantly looking for new technique and new expressive modes, so his piano works are very enlightening both in technique and content. 德步西不断追求新的技法和新的表现方式,故其钢琴作品不论是技巧或内容,都极具启示性。
- Both Bach and Beethoven wrote classical music. 巴赫与贝多芬谱写的都是古典音乐。
- His piano works can refract out the general situation and main features of Chinese piano music composition to a certain degree. 他的钢琴音乐作品在一定程度上可以折射出中国钢琴音乐创作的概貌和主要特色。
- The author considers the training of children"s piano learning interesting should be fitted children"s mind requirement for love, adscription, devoir, cognitive and taste etc. 笔者认为培养幼儿钢琴学习兴趣要从适应幼儿的爱、归属、尊重、认知、审美等心理需要;