- "The taste is great," American astronaut Michael Barratt said. 美国宇航员迈克尔-巴拉特说:“味道好极了,值得品尝”。
- Kirklin.JW,Barratt - Boyes BG.Cardiac surgery [M].New york:A Wiley Medical Publication,John,Wiley and Sons,1986 ;645. 石应康;田子朴;黄旭中;等.;生物心瓣膜毁损的再手术治疗[J]
- "This is something that had been the stuff of science fiction," Barratt said before taking a sip. 巴拉特在喝循环水之前说:“就像以前科幻小说里描写的一样。”
- If you are confused about the different terms used in data communications this article written by Mark Barratt should help to clear things up. 如果你是混淆了不同的用语用在数据通信这篇文章写的标志barratt应有助于澄清事情了。
- Then as Russian Gennady Padalka tried to catch little bubbles of the clear water floating in front of him, Barratt called the taste “worth chasing. 他们用饮水袋碰杯庆祝,高喊“干杯”,与也在饮用循环水的美国宇航局地面工作人员举杯共庆。
- Mr Barratt said the conviction could ruin Said's career as a pilot at Malaysian Airlines after rising rapidly through the ranks in the past few years. 儿子的行为就犹如犯了交通规则,付了罚款,但父亲却被责备。这样子公平吗?简直就是没有脑。那是在2007年发生的事,现在又拿出来炒作,因为我现在成了反贪污委员会主席。
- Professor Rick Shine won the Eureka Prize for Biodiversity Research and Associate Professor Alex Barratt won the Eureka Prize for Health and Medical Research Journalism. 悉尼大学两名学者获得了十万美元的尤里卡奖奖金同时另两名学者从近几年的获奖者中作为决赛选手脱颖而出。
- The capsule, also carrying Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and US astronaut Michael Barratt, landed in Kazakhstan"s steppe at 0431 GMT after travelling from the International Space Station (ISS). 这架载人飞船结束国际空间站之旅,于格林尼治时间4时31分降落在哈萨克斯坦的大草原上。同行的还有一名俄罗斯宇航员杰纳迪-帕达尔卡和一名美国宇航员迈克尔-巴勒特,
- The capsule, also carrying Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and US astronaut Michael Barratt, landed in Kazakhstan's steppe at 0431 GMT after travelling from the International Space Station (ISS). 俄罗斯新闻通讯社援引宇航局官员的评论说:“他们的着陆很成功,现在他们感觉良好。”
- The capsule, also carrying Russian cosmonaut Gennady Padalka and US astronaut Michael Barratt, landed in Kazakhstan's steppe at 0431 GMT after travelling from the International Space Station. 这架载人飞船结束国际空间站之旅,于格林尼治时间4时31分降落在哈萨克斯坦的大草原上。同行的还有一名俄罗斯宇航员杰纳迪帕达尔卡和一名美国宇航员迈克尔巴勒特.
- Keywords Barratt Impulsiveness Scale;Psychometric property;Reliability;Validity; 冲动量表;心理测量学研究;信度;效度;
- Then as Russian Gennady Padalka tried to catch little bubbles of the clear water floating in front of him, Barratt called the taste "worth chasing." 当时俄罗斯宇航员杰纳迪-帕达尔卡正试图抓住在他面前漂浮的循环水小气泡。
- the line And The Mother Did Weep (by Karl Jenkins) sung in English, Greek and Aramaic;Lament with text by Carol Barratt, sung in English; 从韦瓦第、裴高雷西、史卡拉第、海登、罗西尼、德弗札克、威尔第、齐玛诺夫斯基、潘德瑞兹基、古诺和普朗克等人都曾写过圣母悼歌。
- Barratt-Halsall firemonth 瓶式陶瓷窑加煤口
- Barratt method 巴勒特(溶液浓度)测定法
- Barratt Impulsiveness Scale Barratt冲动性量表
- Halsall n. 哈尔索尔
- Barratt n. 巴勒特