- Bao Steel warrant 宝钢权证
- Shanghai Bao Steel Magnetics Development Co., Ltd. 上海宝钢磁业发展有限公司。
- CZ-JB junction box produced with Bao Steel A3 material with painting after surface finish. JB接线箱采用宝钢产A3板材进行加工生产,表面加工处理后喷漆。
- CZ-JB junction box is produced with Bao Steel A3 material with surface finish of paining and plastic spray. JB接线箱采用宝钢产A3板材进行加工生产,表面处理烤漆、喷塑。
- Thinking on Strategem of Utilization of Iron Ore Resource of Bao Steel (Group) Co. 包钢(集团)公司铁矿资源利用战略思考。
- The internal frame works of all yiteng panels system are bent and farmed by high qualitysteel plate produced by Shanghai Bao Steel Group. 用于邑腾隔断所有型号屏风内部龙骨均采用上海宝钢生产的优质钢板折弯而成。
- The internal frame works of all Topanel panels system are bent and farmed by high qualitysteel plate produced by Shanghai Bao Steel Group. 用于培诺所有型号屏风内部龙骨均采用上海宝钢生产的优质钢板折弯而成。
- The present article introduces the application and practical effect of new CVC shape control model in hot rolling mill plant of Bao Steel. 介绍了宝钢热轧厂新CVC板型控制模型的应用及实际控制效果
- As for the experience in China,we have supplied about 80 machines since we supplied the 500T straightener for the shape steel to Bao Steel in 1982. 在向中国出口业绩方面,自1982年向中国宝山钢铁公司出口500吨型钢校正压机以来,已经在中国销售了80余台设备。
- The molten iron transportation lines configurated by Bao Steel can not meet the need of the alternate molten iron supply after the completion of the3 rd phase project. 宝钢既定的铁水运输线路不能适应三期建成后交叉供铁的运输需要。
- The refractory consumption per ton steel (RCPTS) of Bao Steel is 12.65kg/t, much higher than that of POSCO (8.0kg/t) in South Korea and of CSC (9. 07kg/t) in Taiwan. 从浦项、中钢和宝钢的耐材使用情况分析可知,宝钢的吨钢耐材单耗(12.;65kg/t)大大高于其它二厂(分别为8
- This type of air - cooling inner - furnace high - temperature monitor system has already been in uaed in Shanghai Bao Steel and many power plants at home and abroad. 该种气冷内窥式高温工业电视系统已在宝钢及多家火力发电厂投入使用。
- There always has been a problem of fault unloading of coil car since 1420 CDCM at Bao steel was put into production in 1997,which affected normal production greatly. 宝钢1420冷轧酸轧机组投产以来,一直存在钢卷车卸卷不良的问题,严重影响了正常生产。
- Petrochemical, iron and steel warrants a decrease of 8%, led callback. 石化、钢铁认购权证跌幅均在8%25以上,领衔回调。
- The practice of adding LD slag as flux into sinter mix in Bao Steel and its result are analysed and remarked,and the possibility of reusing LD slag is described as well. 对宝钢烧结配加转炉渣工业试验情况及结果进行分析评价,指出了宝钢综合利用转炉渣的可能性。
- The article introduces the quality,varieties and development of bar steels in Bao Steel. 介绍了宝钢条钢产品的质量及品种开发。
- Bao Steel Group Bao Shan Hotel. 宝钢集团宝山宾馆。
- Shanghai Bao Steel Group Co. 上海宝钢集团公司。
- Vanadium is a steel warrants issued warrants, as long as there are companies that pay stock performance is not impossible. 钢钒权证是一个发行权证,只要公司存在,发不出股票而不履约是不可能的事。
- There exist some problem in Automatic shape Control model in the flatness control of hot rolled strip in 1580mm Hot Mill Factory in Bao Steel, there fore, the optimization of the model has been carried out. 宝钢1580热轧通过板形动态控制模型来改善带钢的平直度;在实际控制中存在一定缺陷;为此对模型进行了优化.