- It is Bakhtin who finds Rabelais and it is Rabelais who finds Bakhtin. 是巴赫金发现了拉伯雷,也是拉伯雷表现了巴赫金。
- Bakhtin expresses his enthusiasm of subversion to delete the soliloquy, which is not like Nietsche's and Frend's. 巴赫金宣扬躯体颠覆只是为了消除独白话语而进行的一种张扬,这与尼采、弗洛伊德的人的欲望躯体理论的旨趣是完全不同的。
- Bakhtin believes that dialogism is the foundation upon which a text is produced and its life sustained. 巴赫金认为,对话性是文本产生和存在的基础。
- Bakhtin's dialogic theory has provided a new explanation angle for transition of female writing. 巴赫金的对话理论为女性写作的这种转变提供了一个新的阐释角度。
- As early as 1928, Bakhtin made critical comment on the formalism of the communication mode. 早在1928年,巴赫金就对形式主义者提出的交际模式进行了批判。
- Bakhtin's theory on carnival and Antonio Gramsci's theory on culture hegemony have both common points and differences. 摘要巴赫金的“狂欢化”诗学与葛兰西的“文化霸权”理论既有契合之点,也有差异之处。
- Bakhtin, a scholar of former Soviet Union, proposes his theory of metalinguistics which takes parole instead of langue as its object of research. 前苏联学者巴赫金针对索绪尔的结构主义语言学,以言语为研究对象,提出了他的超语言学理论。
- The second chapter is a brief review of Bakhtin’s polyphonic theory, including carnivalesque overtones, dialogism and polyphony. 第二章简略介绍了巴赫金的复调小说理论,包括“狂欢化”、“复调”和“对话理论”三个方面的内容。
- But from Bakhtin's theory of dialogism, her fall is inevitable, because she only pays attention to herself to the neglect of others. 因为她只关心自己而忽略了别人。所以她的主体意识是自我的也是不全的。
- Reception Aesthetics and Bakhtin's Dialogical Theory were both influenced by dialogical ideas of Greek philosophy and share a lot. 接受美学和巴赫金的对话理论都受到了希腊哲学中对话思想的影响,在许多方面有共通之处,具有同源性和家族相似特征。
- Through his researches on the image system figured by Rabelais, Bakhtin has blazoned forth a concept of “macro-death” with dualism and jocosity. 巴赫金通过对拉伯雷塑造的形象体系的研究向我们宣扬了一种带有全民性、双重性、诙谐性的“大死亡”观念。
- Of course, the dialogic state advocated by Bakhtin is merely a kind of ideal world, and will never replace the realistic society completely. 当然,巴赫金所倡导的对话状态只是一种理想境界,就如狂欢节一样,是不可能完全取代现实生活的。
- The leading idea: Mikhail Bakhtin in the forepart of his lifetime was how to put forward these basic concepts of his theory of dialogue. 主要内容是:巴赫金早期是如何开始关注和提出对话理论中的基本概念“自我”与“他者”的。
- The deprivation of such internal struggle will make human being degenerate into the only animal having natural desire as Bakhtin's theory of body. 颠覆过度,建构阙如,最终如巴赫金所说的单纯“性”的躯体将丧失完整的躯体存在,沦于“欲望躯体”的行列。
- "Carnivalesque" by Bakhtin has been the first selected word to demonstrate the liberating and creative thinking and fashion. 巴赫金提出的“狂欢”一词现已成为标举解放性、创造性的思维、潮流的首选词语。
- Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin's dialogue theory had far-reaching influence on the whole intellectual and cultural circles of the 20th century. 巴赫金对话理论对20世纪世界整个思想文化界影响可谓极其深远。
- From the perspective of individual existence, Bakhtin's dialogical theory deduces the unique research methods of humanities from human being's particular mode of existence. 摘要从个体存在的角度来看,巴赫金的对话理论是从人的特殊存在方式推衍出了人文学科独特的研究方法。
- By employing Bakhtin’s theory of carnivalization and chronotope,this thesis attempts to initiate a discussion on the distinct spatial construction of it. 参照巴赫金对于狂欢化时空体的表述,不难发现,这部作品具有独特的狂欢化叙事空间建构方式。
- In the process of unscrambling Rabelais in his unique perspective of folk jocular culture, Bakhtin puts forward a surviving mode which contains frenzied particularities. 巴赫金在以独特的民间诙谐文化视角解读拉伯雷的过程中,提出了一种具有狂欢化特质的生存模式。
- Bakhtin deems that language lives only in the dialogic interaction of those who make use of it.Dialogic interaction is indeed the authentic sphere where language lives. 巴赫金认为语言“活”在人们的对话中,只有在对话交往中语言才被真正地使用。