- 辣椒内生枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)BS-2和BS-1防治辣椒炭疽病研究 Biological control of capsicum anthracnose by endophytic Bacillus subtilis BS-2 and BS-1
- 经生理生化特征的鉴定,证明BDT_25菌株为枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis)。 Further inhibition tests of strain BDT-25 were conducted on different plant fungal pathogens.
- 通过对菌株BX-2(Bacillus subtilis)的紫外诱变和硫酸二乙酯的诱变处理得到D-核糖高产菌株BY-5。 The strain BX-2(Bacillus subtilis) was matagenized by ultraviolet light and DES,a high-D-ribose-producing strain(BY-5) was obtained.
- 行政长官会同行政会议又把29份核准图则交回城规会修订。 The CE in C also referred 29 approved plans back to the board for amendment.
- (=pulvis subtilis) (拉)细粉剂,细粉末 pulv.subtil.
- 太阴月(约29.5日) lunar month
- Bacillus[拉] 杆茵属
- [29]“扔得不错!” [29] Compliments like "Good try!"
- Bacillus phage ψ29 芽孢杆菌噬菌体ψ29
- 29届 29th
- 枯草杆菌B.subtilis IRC-3-N-1,GDH~+变种在营养培养基上生长时能产生ADH。 The glutamic dehydrogenase(GDH)-positive mutant, B. subtilis IRC-3-N-1, produced alanine dehydrogenase(ADH)when grown in nutrient medium. The formation of ADH by this mutant was inductive in nature.
- Bacillus subtilis[拉] 枯草杆菌
- HT-29 HT-29
- bacillus, bacilli[复] [芽胞]杆菌
- 皖油29 Wan - you No. 29
- 苏云金杆菌(Bacillus Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
- 悦29区 Yuet 29 areas
- Flexners bacillus 弗累克斯讷氏杆菌
- SMAP-29 SMAP-29
- Hansens bacillus 汉森氏杆菌