- An evergreen tree(Averrhoa bilimbi), native to tropical Asia and grown for its edible fruits. 黄瓜树一种常青树木(黄瓜树),生于亚洲热带,因其果实可食而栽种
- An evergreen tree(Averrhoa bilimbi),native to tropical Asia and grown for its edible fruits. 黄瓜树一种常青树木(黄瓜树),生于亚洲热带,因其果实可食而栽种。
- Averrhoa bilimbi n. 三敛
- Digesting with microwave, and a FAAS method for the determination of trace elements Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Fe in two kinds of sweet Averrhoa carambola L. was described. 摘要采用微波消解,火焰原子吸收分光光度计对两个甜杨桃品种进行了微量元素的测定。
- The vessel elements of secondary xylem in Averrhoa carambola are observed by bio-microscope image analysis system and micrography. 摘要运用细胞图象分析系统和显微照相的方法对阳桃次生木质部导管分子进行了观察研究。
- An ornamental evergreen tree(Averrhoa carambola), native to southeast Asia and having crisp, edible, yellow to orange, longitudinally ridged fruits that are star-shaped in cross section. 五敛子,阳桃一种(阳桃阳桃属)属装饰性常青乔木,原产于亚洲东南部,其果实松脆,可食,呈黄色或桔红色,纵向上隆起,截面呈星状
- Averrhoa carambola L. [医] 五敛子,阳桃
- Averrhoa L. [医] 五敛子属,阳桃属
- An ornamental evergreen tree(Averrhoa carambola),native to southeast Asia and having crisp,edible,yellow to orange,longitudinally ridged fruits that are star-shaped in cross section. 五敛子,阳桃一种(阳桃阳桃属)属装饰性常青乔木,原产于亚洲东南部,其果实松脆,可食,呈黄色或桔红色,纵向上隆起,截面呈星状。
- Cryptophlebia ombrodelta damages legume and twig of Litchi chinensis,Averrhoa carambola,but Saraca dives,Sindora tonkinensis,Lysidice rhodostegia,Lysidice brevicalyx,Cssia fistula etc in Guangzhou. 荔枝异型小卷蛾在广州不仅危害荔枝、杨桃的果实,还危害无忧树、东京油楠、仪花、短萼仪花、腊肠树等植物的果荚和嫩枝。
- P. averrhoae Averrhoa carambola L.New-Record Phomopsis of China Host Plants Phomopsis occulta var. ginkgoina Ginkgo biloba L. P.;averrhoae Averrhoa carambola L
- Rapid in vitro Propagation of Averrhoa carambola 阳桃的组织培养与快速繁殖
- Malaysian sweet carambola ( Averrhoa carambola L. ) 马来西亚甜杨桃
- Averrhoa caramhola L. polysaccharides 杨桃多糖
- Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Averrhoa carambola 阳桃的组织培养与植株再生
- Changes of Nutrient Components of Averrhoa arambola during Fruit Development 杨桃果实生长发育过程中营养品质的变化
- Callus Induction and Plant Regeneration from Endosperm of Averrhoa carambola 阳桃胚乳愈伤组织诱导和不定芽发生的研究
- bilimbi 黄瓜树
- Flower Bud Differentiation and Changes of Carbohydrate in New Shoots in Averrhoa carambola 杨桃新梢花芽分化及其碳水化合物含量的变化