- Sarin, a type of nerve gas, was used by the Aum Shinrikyo cult in March 1995, killing 12 people and injuring more than 5,500 on a Tokyo subway. 沙林是一种神经性毒气,1995年3月奥姆真理教在东京地铁站使用,造成12人丧命,5,500多人受伤。
- To date only the Japanese cult Aum Shinrikyo has combined the technical capability with the lethal intent required to carry out an act of CBW terrorism. 迄今为止,只有日本的奥姆真理教的恐怖行为中运用了生化武器,因其既具备了技术能力同时又有毁灭的意图。
- A former leader of the Aum Shinrikyo cult, Fumihiro Joyu, said earlier he had broken away from it and formed his own cult, called Hikari no Wa, or Circle of Light. 奥姆真理教的前领袖上佑史浩早些时候说,他已经脱离奥姆真理教而自立教门,名为“光之轮”。
- Once he joined Aum Shinrikyo, a cultish offshoot of Buddhism that promised a ''fast path'' to salvation, he said, existence once again began to have meaning. 当他加入了奥姆真理教以后,类似于佛教的一个通向救赎的捷径的许诺就出现了。
- Xinhua News Agency, Tokyo, June 26 (Reporter Zhang Huanli) The Tokyo District Court opened its session on the 26th and sentenced Tomomitsu Niimi, an Aum Shinrikyo cult leader, to death on charges of murder and attempted murder and other crimes. 新华社东京6月26日电(记者张焕利)日本东京地方法院26日开庭,以杀人和杀人未遂等罪名判处邪教组织奥姆真理教头目新实智光死刑。
- Nakatani said, since the defendant Niimi participated in a series of malicious killings masterminded by the Aum Shinrikyo cult and played a key role in them, he should be sentenced to death. 中谷说,被告新实参与了奥姆教制造的一系列恶性杀人案件,并在其中起了重要作用,应当被判死刑。
- Tomomitsu Niimi is the eighth Aum Shinrikyo cult leader who has been sentenced to death since the Tokyo District Court sentenced the Aum Shinrikyo cult leader Kiyohide Hayakawa to death in July 2000. 自2000年7月东京地方法院判处奥姆教头目早川纪代秀死刑以来,新实智光是被判死刑的第八名奥姆真理教头目。
- The 1990s,the cult organization"Aum Shinrikyo"made a series of terrorist incidents in Japan. After the incidents,Japanese community urgently mobilized to control the situation quickly. 上世纪90年代,邪教组织“奥姆真理教”,在日本社会制造了一系列恐怖事件,事发后日本社会紧急动员,迅速控制局面。
- Also, the highly controversial Aum Shinrikyo sect in Japan (which attacked the Tokyo subway with Sarin gas) was trying to build a community of scientists after the model of the Foundation and used this book as its inspiration. 在日本受到高度争议的真理教(在东京的地下铁使用沙林毒气攻击)以基地为模型,并且用这本书当作他们的教示,正试著建立一个由科学家组成的团体。
- The Aum Shinrikyo cult, said it had hoped to kill many thousands, and plunge the country into chaos, but experts say its homemade nerve gas was far less potent than the cult's scientists had expected. 奥姆真理教说,他们希望杀死几千人以造成全国混乱。但是专家们表示,他们自制的沙林毒气的威力比预期小。
- It considered groups ranging from the tiny, such as the Oklahoma City bombers, to the massive, such as Aum Shinrikyo, the movement responsible for a nerve-gas attack on Tokyo's subway in 1995. 其中从小的有俄克拉何马市爆炸案的恐怖分子,大到为1995年东京地铁沙林毒气事件负责的奥姆真理教组织。
- Only earthquakes or a terrorist attack have the potential for major disruption (the Aum Shinrikyo cult's sarin gas attack on the underground in 1995 killed a dozen commuters and railway staff). 只有地震或是恐怖袭击才可能打断这一切(1995年日本奥姆真理教的狂热分子在地铁用沙林气袭击,造成多位乘客和铁路员工死亡)。
- Aum Shinrikyo (now known as Aleph) n. 日本奥姆真理教
- Japan rs Doomsday Cult Aum Shinrikyo 日本末世教派奥姆真理教
- Japan's Aum Shinrikyo Cult Leader Sentenced to Death 日本邪教奥姆真理教一头目被判死刑
- Evaluation of Japanese government countermeasures to dispose "Aum Shinrikyo" 日本政府处置“奥姆真理教”对策评价
- Aum Shinrikyo 奥姆真理教
- The Word of Ishvara, is AUM (or OM). This is the Pranava. 以音声的模式展现,那就是神圣的AUM(或OM)。
- Close relationship between Dalai&Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult. 揭秘达赖与日本奥姆真理教邪教的关系 ...
- Our data provides new evidences for understand-ing the function of AUM. 这些结果为研究AUM与膀胱上皮细胞分化的关系以及AUM的功能提供了新的直观的证据。