- Ascochyta gossypii n. 棉壳二胞
- Spatial and temporal niches of Aphis gossypii and its predatory enemies. 棉蚜及其捕食性天敌时空生态位研究。
- Effect of synthetic aphid alarm pheromone (EBF) on fitness of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae). 蚜虫报警激素对棉蚜适合度的影响
- Four life tables of Aphis gossypii on four varieties of cucumbers were analyzed. 利用温室环境监控系统所监测的环境数据,开发出温室害虫种群动态模拟系统。
- The causal agent identified is a species of fungi belonging to genus Asco- chyta and is named Ascochyta sp. tentatively. 经鉴定;其病原菌是一种真菌;属于半知菌亚门、球亮孢目、壳二孢属(Ascochyta sp.;)
- The toxicity of cyhalothrin to C. sinia is lower than to H.armigera, but higher to C. sinia than to A. gossypii. 氯氟氰菊酯对中华草蛉与棉铃虫表现出一定程度的选择性,但对中华草蛉与棉蚜则表现为非选择性;
- The geographic origin of each isolate of Ascochyta might have contributed to the genetic diversification revealed by RAPD analysis. 近年利用温室、大棚栽培甜瓜的面积逐渐扩大,采前、采后病害均比较严重。
- The cotton aphid Aphis gossypii Glover is one of the main pests of cotton, cucurbits and other crops. 棉蚜是一种重要的农业害虫,能危害棉花、瓜类及多种观赏植物,并能传播植物病毒病,给农业生产带来重大损失。
- Four new species, one new combination and nineteen Chinese new records of the genus Ascochyta are reported in this paper. The new species are Asco-chyta araliae Sun et Bai, A. 本文报告了壳二孢属(Ascochyta)新种4个:(木忽)木壳二孢(Ascochyta araliae Sun et Bai);朝鲜槐壳二孢(A.;maackiae Sun et Bai);假酸浆壳二孢(A
- Chen X S,Chen Y X,Huan J Q.The developmental trend of verticillium identification technique[J].Acta Gossypii Sinica,1997,9(2):64-67. [4]陈旭升;陈永萱;黄骏麟.;棉花黄萎病菌鉴定技术进展[J]
- Effect of DPC on translocation redistribution or 14C assimilate of cotton interplanted with wheat[J].Acta Gossypii Sin.,1999,11(1):39-41. DPC对麦套棉14C同化物运转分配及再分配的影响[J].;棉花学报;1999;11(1):39-41
- Guildemond JA, Tigges WT, F-de Vroker PW, 1994. Host races of Aphis gossypii (Homoptera: Aphididae ) on cucumber and chrysanthemum.Envir. Entomol., 23(5): 1 235 - 1 240. [刘向东;翟保平;张孝羲;2003.;南京地区棉蚜寄主专化型及其成因研究
- The results indicated that Coccinellidae and Chrysopidae as primary natural enemies of Aphis gossypii significantly reduced the aphid population in self-controlled cotton field. 结果表明,不施药棉田中草蛉和瓢虫对棉蚜有着良好的自然控制能力;
- The suitability of Aphis gossypii to four varieties of high yield and quality cucumber, adaptable to agricultural structure in northern China, was researched. 该系统是温室蔬菜生产植保风险分析系统和温室害虫综合治理专家系统中最基本的模块,是温室环境监控系统同温室生产植保风险分析系统、温室害虫综合治理专家系统相衔接的纽带,同时也是一个独立的蔬菜生产管理辅助决策系统。
- Abstract The developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperature of Neomargarodes gossypii Yang during different development stages were determined. 摘要 本试验测定了不同发育阶段花生新珠蚧的发育起点温度和有效积温。
- SUN Jing, TANG Can-Ming, YUAN Xiao-Ling, ZHU Xie-Fei, ZHANG Tian-Zhen. Selection technique for transgenic Bt cotton using Kanamycin as an indirect iden-tification marker. Acta Gossypii Sinica, 12(5): 270-276. 孙敬;唐灿明;袁小玲;朱协飞;张天真.;利用卡那霉素间接鉴定法进行大规模的棉花转基因育种技术
- The mixture is low toxicity to human beings and livestock. The co tocicity coefficient (CTC) of the mixture to Aphis gossypii,Macrosiphum avenae,Aphis pomi and Myzus persicae is 261.89,204.14,189.91 and 595.05,respectively. 该混剂质量稳定 ;对人、畜低毒 ;对棉蚜、麦蚜、苹果黄蚜和桃蚜的共毒系数分别为 2 61 .;89;2 0 4
- During investigation, r-tactical insects of them were still dominant in population. In . April, dominant specie was Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock and Aphis gossypii Glover was dominant. 其中r类昆虫在数量上一直处于优势地位, 4月份优势种为龟蜡蚧Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock,而5月份为棉蚜Aphis gossypii Glover。
- The population of Coccinella undecimpunctata Linnaeus appeared obviously a following relation with Aplid gossypii Glover and lagged about one week later behind Aplid gossypii Glover. 十一星瓢虫与棉蚜种群数量呈显著的跟随关系,发生期比棉蚜滞后1周左右。