- Ascending the Stork Pavilio 登鹤雀楼
- The stork sings through the sky. 鹤唳长空
- The stork visited the Howard Johnsons yesterday. 昨天鹳鸟拜访了霍华德约翰斯顿家。
- He was only eight when he ascended the throne. 他登上王位时才八岁。
- The stork visited the Jonhnstons yesterday. 约翰斯顿家昨天添了一个孩子(婴孩诞生)。
- The sun was now ascending the sky. 太阳愈升愈高。
- The only bird that gives the poor a real tumble is the stork. 对穷人表示真正喜欢他们(使之神魂颠倒)的鸟只有鹳。
- The new emperor ascended the throne. 新皇帝登基了。
- The only bird that give the poor a real tumble is the stork. 对穷人表示真正喜欢他们(使之神魂颠倒)的鸟只有。
- After some hesitation we decided to ascend the mountain. 我们犹豫了一下,决定登山。
- He ascend the flight of narrow stairs to his bedroom. 他登上狭窄的楼梯到他的卧室去。
- He felt happy because he would see the stork again the next day. 他感到很高兴,因为他将第二天又看见。
- The stork was different from other animals that the fox had met. 鹳与狐狸曾遇见的其它动物不一样。
- I intend to ascend the space between as well as the space without. 我意愿提升两极空间以及一致空间。
- It is spring when the storks return. 这是当鹳返回的春天。
- Yesterday a baby visited from the stork in my family. 昨天一个小生命又降临我家了。
- Her heart was thumping as she ascended the stairs. 她上楼梯时,心怦怦跳个不停。
- The stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat. 鹳,鹭鸶与其类,戴胜与蝙蝠。
- There was a slight flutter among those in the pews, as the procession began to ascend the aisle. 当这一行人开始走下教堂里的侧廊时,在坐靠背长椅的人中间有了一点骚动。
- The storks are standing on the roof. 鹳正站着楼顶上。