- Army Chief of Support Services 陆军支援勤务长官
- Chief of Support Services 支援勤务主任
- In 1948, General Dwight D. Eisenhower resigned as Army chief of staff; he was succeeded by General Omar Bradley. 1948年的今天;艾森豪威尔将军接替布拉德利将军被任命为军队首领.
- Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani and the army chief of staff, Gen.Ashfaq Kiyani, will remain in Pakistan during Zardari's trip, the official said. “总理吉拉尼和参谋总长基亚尼将在元首出访期间留在巴基斯坦。”
- The current terms of support services of Supplier is attached hereto as Annex3. 现行的供应商支持服务条款作为附件三附于本合同。
- Pakistan Army Chief of Staff Ji Yani Wednesday said that Pakistan does not allow foreign troops on its territory for military action. 巴基斯坦陆军参谋长基亚尼周三表示,巴基斯坦不允许外国军队在其境内进行军事行动。
- He later served as governor of Benghazi, Libya (1912), army chief of staff in the Second Balkan War (1913), and minister of war during World War I. 1912年任利比亚班加西(Benghazi)行政长官。在第二次巴尔干战争(Second Balkan War, 1913)中任陆军总参谋长。第一次世界大战时任国防部长。
- Scientific research personnel should not be asked to take charge of support services. 不能叫科研人员还去搞后勤,整天东跑西跑。
- Musharraf resigned as army chief on Wednesday.Vice Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani will take over as the new army chief. 星期三,穆沙拉夫辞去陆军参谋长一职,副参谋长基亚尼接任参谋长。
- Bliss:american army officer and diplomat who was the army chief of staff (1917-1918) during World War I and a delegate to the peace negotiations at the war's end. 布利斯:美国军官及外交官,在第一次世界大战中担任军队参谋长(1917-1918年)并在战争结束后任和平谈判代表。
- The Personnel Services Branch (PSB) provides a wide range of support services for Force members and their families. 人事服务科为警队成员及其家属提供广泛的支援服务。
- We should place those with a strong Party spirit and good organizational capabilities in charge of support services. 要让党性好的组织能力强的人搞后勤。
- Schoomaker, the departing Army chief of staff, has said, the military deployment system is like a keg of beer, with the tap put too near the top to drain the whole barrel. 即将离职的陆军参谋长苏梅克将军曾说,兵力部署系统就像一桶啤酒,酒桶开口太接近桶顶,无法把整桶酒抽乾净。
- The current terms of support services of Supplier is attached hereto as Annex 3. 现行的供应商支持服务条款作为附件三附于本合同。
- The report's main authors, Frederick Kagan, an academic, and Jack Keane, a former acting army chief of staff, favour a“ sustained surge of US forces to secure and protect critical areas of Baghdad”. 该报告的主要作者、者弗雷德里克·根和陆军前代理参谋长杰克·恩赞同“稳步扩大美军规模以捍卫和保护巴格达的关键区域”。
- Third is the person in charge of support services; he must be diligent, conscientious, practical and prepared to be an unsung hero. 还有一个管后勤的,应当是勤勤恳恳、扎扎实实、甘当无名英雄的人。
- I am willing to be your director of support services and to co-operate with the leading comrades of Party committees at various levels to do the job properly. 我愿意当大家的后勤部长,愿意同各级党委的领导同志一起,做好这方面的工作。
- The state controlled daily,The Herald, quoted the army chief of staff, Major General Martin Chedondo, as saying that all soldiers should vote for President Mugabe or quit the army. 津巴布韦政府控制的日报先驱报援引军队总参谋长切东多少将的话说,军人都应当投票支持穆加贝总统,否则就应该退出军队。
- The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 这家剧院光顾者寡只好关闭。
- Chaudhry's supporters say General Musharraf suspended the independent-minded justice because of looming legal challenges related to the president's dual posts as president and army chief of staff. 乔杜里的支持者说,穆沙拉夫将军之所以解除这位具有独立精神的大法官的职务,是因为穆沙拉夫同时担任总统和武装部队最高统帅而引发的法律问题越来越迫近。