- Argyreia strigillosa n. 细毛银背藤
- Objective: To provide evidences for the identification of Argyreia acuta Lour. 目的:为鉴别和开发一匹绸提供科学依据。
- Condusion: The result provided evdiences for the identification of Argyreia acuta Lour. 结论:为该药的开发利用提供了鉴别依据。
- Result: The characters including stomata covered by many glandular hairs in dorsal surface of leaf of Argyreia acuta were obivous. 结果:发现一匹绸的叶中有大量的非腺毛遮住下表面的气孔等明显的鉴别特征。
- Argyreia acuta Lour. 白鹤藤(白背丝绸) 英文:
- Any of numerous, usually twining vines of the related genera Argyreia, Calystegia, Convolvulus, Merremia, and Ipomoea, having funnel-shaped, variously colored flowers that close late in the day. 牵牛花任一种番茄属的植物,通常生有孪生藤,其相关属打碗花属,旋花科和番茄属开有漏斗状的各色花朵,且在一天的晚些时候合上花瓣
- Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of Peperomia argyreia 西瓜皮椒草的组织培养及快速繁殖
- Keywords Argyreia acuta Lour;Descriptions;Microscopic character; 关键词一匹绸;药材性状;显微特征;
- Androsace strigillosa n. 糙伏毛点地梅
- Clematoclethra strigillosa n. 粗毛藤山柳
- Keywords Dryopteridaceae;Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai;rhizomes;Myrsinaceae;Ardisia japonica (Thunb.) BI.;Convolvulaceae;Argyreia seguini;chemical constituents; 鳞毛蕨科;东北贯众;紫金牛科;紫金牛;旋花科;白花银背藤;化学成分;
- Scutellaria strigillosa n. 沙滩黄芩
- Ser. 3. Strigillosa n. 软刺蹄盖蕨系
- Subsect. 2. Strigillosa n. 软刺蹄盖蕨亚组
- Eurya strigillosa n. 台湾毛柃
- Ilex strigillosa n. 粗毛冬青
- Argyreia fulvo-cymosa n. 黄伞白鹤藤
- Argyreia monosperma n. 单籽银背藤
- Argyreia seguinii n. 白花银背藤
- Argyreia velutina n. 黄毛银背藤