- 广义Lusin-Area积分 generalized Lusin-Area
- 设置或返回在热点图中area的形状 Sets or returns the shape of an area in an image-map
- abstractshape.cs:包含抽象Area属性的Shape类。 Abstractshape. Cs: the Shape class that contains an abstract Area property.
- 注意,调用CalcArea方法后,TestArea过程并不检查Area字段的值。 Notice that the TestArea procedure does not check the value of the Area field after calling the CalcArea method.
- 如果省略row_num和column_num,函数INDEX返回由area_num所指定的引用中的区域。 If row_num and column_num are omitted, INDEX returns the area in reference specified by area_num.
- 下面的代码演示Shape的三个子类,并演示它们如何重写Area属性来提供自己的实现。 The following code shows three subclasses of Shape and how they override the Area property to provide their own implementation.
- 骨骼影像清晰,头部、腰椎、股骨、离体胫骨和椎骨的area,BMC,BMD值分别报告。 Skeleton imaging is clear. Area,BMC and BMD of the rat head,lumbar vertebrae,femur and in vitro tibia and vertebrae can be obtained separately.
- 如果路由器在不同的域有多个接口,路由器会为每个area创建一个单独的树来运行spf运算。 If router have multiple interfaces in different areas, then it will contruct separate trees for each area for spf caculation.
- Area(区域)层次结构是一个父-子维度,它允许按照度量在区域层次结构中的位置来汇总或筛选度量。 The Area hierarchy is a parent-child dimension, allowing the measures to be summarized or filtered according to their location in the Area hierarchy.
- 因为CalcArea运行于单独的线程,因此,如果在调用Thread.Start后立即检查,则无法确定Area字段已被设置。 Because CalcArea runs on a separate thread, the Area field is not guaranteed to be set if you check it immediately after calling Thread.Start.
- 改 ACAD中原面积查询指令 Area为面积标注指令 ,以快速方便地标注设计图的面积指标 ,给出了面积标注程序 Area. The primary area command of ACAD is reformed to inquire area and to mark it quickly and conveniently in design.
- 闭眼时1ng,env,area,deg,dx,dy,pow1,pew3和eng有极显著意义,Mx和pow2有显著意义,而My无显著意义; Results: There are significant difference between the lower prosthesis patients and volunteers in 1ng, deg, Mx, pow1, pow2, pew3 and eng with eyes open, and in 1ng, env.
- 利用控制器局域网总线(CAN_Controller Area NetWork)接口接收工程机械控制器传出的设备运行状态和对设备的检测数据; The running status and detected information of the equipment, which come from the machine controller, were received via CAN bus.
- 计算机停止响应并且Message Queuing 3.0自动启动基于Windows Server 2003计算机上时收到PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA(50)错误 The computer stops responding and you receive a PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (50) error when Message Queuing 3.0 Automatically starts on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
- area、lng、ingx、lngy、WavVol、eng、deg、lng/area都有极显著意义(P<0.01),包络面积的闭眼/睁眼比值(c/o)有显著意义(P<0.05); area, Ing, Ingx, Ingy, WavVol, eng, deg, Ing/area with eyes open and closed(P<0. 01), and also the do of env . area (P
- 采用目前流行的软插件技术,将CAN(Controller Area NetWork)总线应用于DNC系统通信,以保证加工的连续性,提高加工零件的表面质量。 Adopt popular soft plug-in package technology, apply CAN (Controller Area NetWork) bus to DNC system communicate, so as to ensure the continuity processed and improve the surface quality of processing component.
- 无线局域网WLAN(Wireless Local Area Network)是无线通信技术和计算机网络技术发展的产物,它以便携性、可移动性、建网迅速、维护方便等优点得到了快速的发展。 The wireless local area network is the result of the wireless communication technology and computer network technical development. It has been increasing in importance for current years since its abilities to cover a broad area without the need to pinpoint individual connection point.
- 在该系统中,将同一地区的节点组织为一个局域P2P网络(Location Area P2P Net-work,LAPN),使用指针连通这些局域P2P网络,可以很好地解决上述问题,使系统执行效率大大提高. The peers in the same location are connected in a Location Area P2P Network (LAPN) which is connected by pointers. The method can resolve the problem and improve the system efficiency.
- CAN(Controller Area Network)总线,又称控制器局域网,是Bosch公司在现代汽车技术中领先推出的一种多主机局域网,主要应用于汽车内部强干扰环境下的电器之间的数据可靠通信。 Controller Area Network bus is a local network developed by the Bosch company. which is used in the communication of car inner.
- 针对电子设备的大量应用,运行可靠性、维修、信息共享和实时控制等问题,BOSCH公司开发了CAN(Controller Area Network)总线,即控制器局域网,它是国际上应用最广泛的现场总线之一。 For applying a great deal electronic equipments, running dependably, maintaining, sharing information and cortrolling real time, BOSCH Co. explored CAN (Controller Area Network) bus, which has the widest field of usage among the Fieldbus.