- Ardisia elegans n. 郎伞木
- Stephania elegans Hook.f.et Thoms. 雅致千金藤
- Chemical constituents of Gelsemium elegans Benth. 胡蔓藤化学成分的研究。
- Total alkaloids from Gelsemium elegans Benth. 钩吻总生物碱
- Human caenorhabditis elegans death gene,CED-... 人美丽线虫凋亡基因(CED-3)试剂盒;
- Studies on Chemical Constituents of Ardisia bicolor Walker. 两色紫金牛化学成分研究。
- Taxonomy of subgenus Bladhia of Ardisia (Myrsinaceae). 紫金牛科索紫金牛属锯齿亚属之分类.
- Three new species of Ardisia (Myrsinaceae) from Sichuan. 四川紫金牛科紫金牛属三新种.
- New species and taxonomic changes in Ardisia Swartz from China. 中国紫金牛属新种和分类上的更动.
- There are images of Otus elegans botelensis in photo gallery. 摄影艺廊中有兰屿角枭之照片,欢迎参观。
- A n elegan t handw rit ing, like the elegan thand that w ro te it. 优美的字迹,就像写字的那只优美的手。
- C. elegans REC-8 is the likely worm ortholog of yeast Rec8. 线虫REC-8已被证明是参与减数分裂的重要姐妹染色单体粘连蛋白。
- C. elegans are tiny nematode worms that are widely used in scientific research. 秀丽隐杆线虫是一种广泛用于科学研究的线虫。
- Definition: Japanese Ardisia Herb is the dried herb of Ardisa japonica (Thunb.) Blume (Fam.Myrsinaceae). 本品为紫金牛科植物紫金牛 Ardisia japonica (Thunb.;) Blume 的干燥全草。
- Methods:Using TLC method for quanlitative analysis of Wuzhimaotao Radix Fici simplicissmae root of Hisipid Fig and Japanese Ardisia Herb. 方法:采用薄层色谱法对样品中五指毛桃、矮地茶进行定性鉴别。
- The study results can be basis for the utilization of Ardisia crenata var. bicolor., and establishment of the quality standard of crude drug. 研究结果可为红凉伞的开发利用、建立质量标准提供依据。
- It shows that pollen morphological characters may provide some information for dividing sections and intra-sectional groups within Ardisia. 结果显示,花粉形态特征可作为属下分组及组下分类处理的依据。
- The projections from nucleus laminaris (NL) to the pons and midbrain in Emberiza elegans were studied with anterograde HRP tracing techniques. 用HRP顺行追踪法研究黄喉?延髓层状核向脑桥及中脑的投射.
- In search of the fountain of youth: studying the mechanisms of aging in C. Elegans. 探索青春的源泉:秀丽线虫衰老机制的研究。
- After the cubes are heated to pasteurize their surfaces, Actinimucor Elegans and other Mucor species are added. 小块经加热对表面进行巴氏杀菌后,加入Actinimucor Elegans和其它毛霉