- The successful cloning of the Arabidopsis thanliana mutuants of non-fertilization endosperm formation and their related genes has made it possible to compare the molecular mechanisms of non-fertilization endosperm initiation in regular and mutant plants. 拟南芥胚乳自主发生突变体及相关基因的克隆,使人们可以研究和比较自然和突变植物胚乳自主发生的分子机制。
- Arabidopsis thanliana 拟南芥
- The ARGOS gene in Arabidopsis plays a key role in controlling plant organ size. 拟南芥ARGOS 基因在控制植物器官大小方面起到了重要作用。
- This paper suggests a new model to explain the process of gene duplication in Arabidopsis. 比较该结果与之前的研究,提出了一种解释拟南芥基因倍增过程更合理的模型。
- A pair of primers was designed based on the analysis of MADS3 from Betula petulla and AP1 from Arabidopsis thaliana. 在分析了欧洲白桦MADS3与拟南芥AP1中的保守性后,设计了一对引物。
- Efficient expression of bacterial haloalkane dehalogenase gene in Arabidopsis thaliana. 细菌卤代烷烃脱卤酶基因在拟南芥菜中的高效表达。
- A group led by Roger Innes at Indiana University in Bloomington discovered mutants of the laboratory weed Arabidopsis that induce their defences much more strongly than normal. 在布鲁明顿的印地安那大学,由RogerInners率领的小组发现实验用草Arabidopsis的突变异种能够发动比正常情况下强大得多的防御。
- This would all be of merely academic interest if EDR1 was found only in Arabidopsis. 如果只有在Arabidopsis中才能发现EDR1,那么这一切仅仅具有学术价值。
- The first Na~+/H~+ antiporter gene (AtNHX1) in higher plants was cloned from Arabidopsis in California University. 美国加利福尼亚大学从拟南芥中克隆出第一个高等植物Na~+/H~+逆向转运蛋白基因-AtNHX1。
- Ph. D student, Gent University, Belgium. Molecular mechanism underlying proline accumulation during osmotic stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. 比利时根特大学,博士研究生,拟南芥在渗透胁迫下脯氨酸积累的分子机理。
- Transformation effection of GUS gene introduced into Arabidopsis seeds mediated by ion beam was studied. 摘要以拟南芥种子为研究对象,研究离子束介导GUS基因导入拟南芥种子的转化效果。
- Other genome projects include mouse, rice, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the puffer fish, bacteria like E. coli, etc. 其他基因组计画包括老鼠、稻米、植物(阿拉伯芥)、河豚,和细菌(如大肠杆菌)等。
- No difference in MDA concentration was observed between AHA1 transgenic Arabidopsis and their wild-type plants. AHA1转基因拟南芥和野生型拟南芥MDA积累差异不大。铝处理增加拟南芥内源可溶性蛋白的累积。
- Studies of the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Arabidopsis FIN219 and Cryptochromes Regulated Ethylene Responses. 阿拉伯芥中FIN219与隐花色素参与乙烯反应的分子机制的研究。
- We have introduced the developments of the seed sprouting of some model organism, such as arabidopsis, maize and rice. 在此,重点介绍了模式作物拟南芥、玉米和水稻在种子发芽方面的分子遗传学研究进展;
- One of transcription factors, PIF3, has been isolated from Arabidopsis, and verified to interact with phytochrome by yeast two-hybrid assay. 最近该领域又取得重大突破性进展,人们通过酵母双杂交技术克隆到在体内与光敏色素相互作用的转录因子,并证实被光活化的光敏色素直接进入细胞核与转录因子结合启动基因表达。
- For example, mildew mildew -- a major disease of cereal crops -- initially spreads across leaves of both noimal Arabidopsis and these mutant plants. 例如,白粉
- Cell Differentiation and Apoptosis Associated with Nectar Secreting during the Nectary Development of Arabidopsis Thaliana L. 蜜腺发育过程中细胞分化、凋亡与泌蜜的关系。
- Ultrastructural Study on Dictyosome and Its Vesicle Secretion during Development of Floral Nectary of Arabidopsis thaliana L. 拟南芥花蜜腺的高尔基体活动及其分泌途径。
- Studies prove that a complex signal transduction network underlies the development of plant disease resistance by Arabidopsis mutants. 利用拟南芥突变体证明植物抗病信号途径是个复杂的网络。