- Anthus trivialis n. 林鹨
- Any of various widely distributed songbirds of the genus Anthus, characteristically having brownish upper plumage and a streaked breast. 鹨一种分布较广的鹨属鸣鸟,特征是长有棕色上羽和条纹胸羽
- The dynamic variation of vinblastine content in different parts of Cathar anthus roseus was measured by ultrasonic extraction and HPLC. 采用超声提取和高效液相色谱法,对人为采收后的野生长春花中长春碱含量的动态变化进行了比较分析。
- any of various widely distributed songbirds of the genus Anthus,characteristically having brownish upper plumage and a streaked breast 鹨,一种分布较广的鹨属鸣鸟,特征是长有棕色上羽和条纹胸羽
- anthus(acanthuses) 叶板饰
- Poa trivialis n. 普通早熟禾
- Anthus sylvanus n. 山鹨
- Anthus movaeseelandiae n. 田鹨
- Anthus campestris n. 平原鹨
- Anthus hodgsoni n. 树鹨
- Anthus gustavi n. 北鹨
- Anthus pratensis n. 草地鹨
- Anthus cervinus n. 红喉鹨
- Anthus roseatus n. 粉红胸鹨
- Anthus spinoletta n. 水鹨
- Anthus n. 鹨属