- Pass splendid specimens of Anglo Norman architecture, pass pedestrians and pederasts, open hearth furnaces, basic Bessemer mills, dynamos and transformers, pig iron castings and steel ingots. 机车经过盎格鲁-诺曼式建筑的堂皇标本,经过了步行者和男同性恋者、天冶炼炉、用贝塞麦法的磨坊、电机和变压器、铁块和钢锭。
- The police crushed out the rebellion in the prison. 警察把发生在监狱中的暴乱镇压了下去。
- The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。
- The rebellion was soon stamped on by the army. 军队很快平息了叛乱。
- The rebellion was crushed by government forces. 政府军已把叛乱镇压下去。
- The Norman is difficult to be conquered. 诺曼第人很难被征服。
- He traces his descent back to an old norman family. 他追踪自己的世系上溯至一个古老的诺曼家族。
- The government has just put down a rebellion. 这个国家刚刚镇压了一场叛乱。
- The people would rise in open rebellion if oppressed by a monarchy. 如果遭到君主制的压迫,人民就会起来反抗。
- The rebellion was quickly quashed. 叛乱被迅速平息。
- He traces his descent from an old Norman family. 他追溯他的祖先是属于一个古诺曼人家族。
- Pigeons were sent out to spread the tidings of rebellion. 鸽子被放出去传送发生叛乱的消息。
- Chairman Mao wrote "In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939. 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念白求恩》一文。
- He faces a growing rebellion from the left wing of his party. 他面对着党内左翼日益增强的反对势力。
- This church is a fine example of Norman architecture. 这座教堂是典型的诺曼式建筑。
- A tax paid to the crown by English landholders under Anglo - Saxon and Norman kings. 捐税盎格鲁-撒克逊和诺尔曼王朝时期英国地主向君王交纳的捐税
- The peasants rose in rebellion against the corrupt officials. 农民们造贪官污吏的反。
- Of or relating to Anglo - Americans. 英裔美国人的英裔美国人的或有关的
- Anglo - Saxon poetry is formulaic. (添加维生素)增加(食物的)营养价值
- Anglo Saxon poetry is formulaic. 盎格鲁 撒克逊诗歌有固定的格式.