- Andaman padauk n. 印度紫檀
- The stem is made out of a hard wood like padauk or ebony. 琴杆多用红木、乌木等质地坚硬的木料制作,
- Simon Cabaret the most exciting place to be on the Andaman Gulf . 西蒙余兴节目最扣人心弦的地方是在安达曼海湾。
- Furniture of padauk looks both noble and magnificent. 紫檀木家具看上去既高贵又豪华。
- Isthmus in these two carats in the House, the west by the Andaman Sea. 克拉地峡在这两个府境内,西濒安达曼海。
- As far as I know, our factory has much super?quality padauk in stock. 据我所知,我们厂家有许多优质红木。
- A country of southeast Asia on the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea. 缅甸,曼马:一东南亚国家,位于孟加拉湾和安达曼海岸边。
- What kind of wood would you like for your tea?table, padauk or teak? 您想用什么样的木材做茶几,红木还是柚木?
- The padauk teak is refers to this 5 is 8 kind of lumber the center sections. 红木是指这5属8种木料的中心部分。
- Rosewood is classified into two groups: sandal wood and padauk wood. 红木分为酸枝和花梨木两大类。
- Scuba divers have been scouring the depths of the Andaman Sea, in some of Thailand's favorite dive spots. 过去,潜水员一直在泰国的一些潜水景点观赏和探索安达曼海的海底。
- A Moken tribesman in Myanmar's Andaman Islands displays two large cowrie shells. 缅甸安达曼群岛上,一位莫肯族人手里展示了两枚大货贝。
- It's especially common among the Khoisan in southern Africa and tribes in the Andaman Islands. 这在南非的科伊桑人和安达曼群岛的部落中尤为常见。
- Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea to India and Andaman Sea, eastward to southern Japan and Australia. 印度-西太平洋:红海到印度与安达曼海,向东至日本南部与澳洲。
- In the corner of the spacious and luxurious sitting room stands a charming small round old French padauk table. 在宽敞而豪华的客厅的一角摆放着一张漂亮的法国古典式紫檀木小圆桌。一个高个子的年轻中国辩手的雄辩发言引起了听众的特别注意。
- Teak, garapi, padauk, rosewood, and keyaki are the tree species selling best in the current market. 在实木地板方面,市场上以柚木、金檀木、花梨木、紫檀木及要榉木较好销。
- As we dock beside a white beach, I trade the sight of the Irrawaddy for the aquamarine waves of the Andaman Sea. 我们停泊在白色的沙滩旁,我眼中伊洛瓦底江的景色换成了安达曼海蓝绿色的波涛。
- Moken fisherman works on his boat in the Andaman Sea, off the coast of Myanmar's Mergui Archipelago. 一位莫肯人渔夫作业在他的小船上位于安达曼海,离开缅甸的丹老群岛的海岸线。
- The lumber manufacture's furniture in addition cannot be called the padauk teak furniture. 除此之外的木材制作的家具都不能称为红木家具。
- The United Nations has sent some equipment to help divers clean up the Andaman Sea. Mr. Ukkrit is optimistic. 联合国已经运送了一些设备帮助潜水员清理安达曼海,乌克里特对此表示乐观。