- And I've got second sight. 我也得到了第二视力。
- I've just had an interview for a post and I think I've got it. 我申请工作刚刚进行过面谈,我想我得到这个工作了。
- I keep feeling shivery and I've got a bad cough. 我一直感到发冷并且咳嗽得厉害。
- And I've got some delicious Danish pastry for you. 我为你们准备了一些可口的丹麦点心。
- I feel shivery and I've got a pain in my stomach. 我觉得发冷并且胃也痛。
- I keep feeling dizzy,and I've got a headache. 我一直感到头晕和头痛。
- I keep feeling chilly and I've got a headache. 我一直觉得发冷而且我还头疼。
- I'm a football fan. And I've got another hobby. 我是个足球迷。我还有一个嗜好,
- A I've got a bad headache. And I feel really tired. A我头疼得厉害,而且感觉非常累。
- I feel di and I've got no appetite. 我头晕,没有食欲。
- I feel dizzy and I've got a headache. 我感到头晕和头痛。
- And I've got a strong urge to fly. 我也有强烈的激励去飞行。
- I keep feeling dizzy, and I've got a headache. 我一直感到头晕和头痛。
- One more and I've got a pair of boots. 再钓一只我就有一双靴子了。
- I feel shivery and I've got a sore throat. 我觉得怕冷发抖,而且喉咙疼痛。
- I feel dizzy and I've got no appetite. 我觉得头晕,没有食欲。
- "And I've got a doll," Harmon called back. “我发现了一个布娃娃”哈蒙回应道。
- It's only ten and I've got the munchies already. 现在才十点,可是我已经觉得肚子开始饿了。
- I feel shivery and I've got a pain in stomach. 我觉得发冷并且胃也痛。
- The car I want to buy costs five thousand pounds. I've got three thousand in ready money, and I'll get a bank loan for the rest. 我要买的车价钱为5千英镑,现在我这里有3千现钞,剩下的差额我将请银行贷款。