- Anabaena oscillarioides var. minor n. 类颤鱼腥藻小型变种
- Anabaena oscillarioides n. 类颤鱼腥藻
- Isolation Phycocyanin from Anabaena sp. 鱼腥藻藻蓝蛋白的提取。
- Anabaena, a freshwater bacteria, is a case in point. 如鱼腥藻,一种淡水藻类,就是这样。
- The toxicity effect of 6 carbamic ester pesticides on Anabaena flos-aquae was studied. 以水华鱼腥藻为材料研究了6种氨基甲酸酯类农药对藻类的毒性效应。
- The inhibitory rates of Anabaena flosaquae and chlorellin were 100% and 91.5% respectively under natural illumination. 遮光条件下,菖蒲对各藻类的化感抑制作用受到影响,效果不佳。
- Some generas of freshwater algae can produce toxins,such as Microcystis,Nodularia,Anabaena etc. 它能产生一种呕吐毒素和多种肠毒素,主要引发呕吐和腹泻型食物中毒。
- The results revealed that there was the toxicity effect of 6 different carbamic ester pesticides on Anabaena flos-aquae. 结果发现,6种氨基甲酸酯类农药对水华鱼腥藻都有不同程度的毒性作用。
- Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 cyanobacterial phytochrome gene AphA and its truncated mutant aphA (N-25/C-445) were PCR amplified and cloned. 通过PCR技术;从蓝藻PCC7120中扩增出细菌光敏色素AphA的基因aphA;进而构建aphA的缺失突变体aphA(N25/C445).
- In northern latitudes in summer, extensive growth of Anabaena may form water blooms that remain suspended instead of forming a surface scum. 北纬夏季,鱼腥藻可形成水花,悬浮水中而非形成水表面的浮渣。
- The LOECNOEC and MATC of 6 carbamic ester pesticides to Anabaena flos-aquae were researched so that the pesticides were reasonably and safely used in the environment. 同时研究了氨基甲酸酯类农药对水华鱼腥藻的LOEC、NOEC和MATC值,发现不同农药的LOEC、NOEC和MATC值也不相同。
- Susceptibility of acetolactate synthase (ALS) was compared in vitro and in vivo in Anabaena flos-aquae todetermine the mechanism of ALS inhibition by metsulfuron. 以水华鱼腥藻的乙酰乳酸合成酶(ALS)比活力作为研究对象,通过在离体和活体条件下比较其对甲磺隆的敏感性,探讨了甲磺隆对水华鱼腥藻的作用机理。
- The results indicate that Lanthanum has stimulating effect on the growth of Anabaena azollae at lower concentration but has inhibiting effect at higher concentration. 结果显示低浓度镧对满江红鱼腥藻生长表现出促进作用,高浓度则表现出抑制作用。
- It can also be concluded that lanthanum can be accumulated by Anabaena azollae cells, and the cyanobacterial physiological process is involved in lanthanum bioaccumulation. 满江红鱼腥藻对镧的富集作用可能与其光合作用电子传递和能量合成有关。
- The effects of frequency and magnetic strength on the cell viability and growth of blue-green algae Anabaena flos-aquae by pulsed electric magnetic field were studied. 对脉冲变频电磁场作用下,扫描频率和磁感应强度的变化对水华鱼腥藻细胞活性和生长的影响进行了研究。
- All the results prove that the increase of FBA level in Anabaena sp.PCC 7120 could help enhance the photosynthesis activity in transgenic strain and could help increase the cell grow rate. 以上结果证明,在鱼腥藻体内特异的提高非调控酶FBA的水平,能在一定程度上提高转基因藻的光合活性,并且能够提高转基因藻的细胞增长效率。
- Recults also indicated that UV radiation had significant impact on the concentrations of MAAs in Anabaena sp., and the amount of MAAs increased with the duration of exposure of UV radiation. 在UV辐射下测定鱼腥藻细胞内抗紫外辐射物质MAAs的含量,结果证明UV辐射能够诱导鱼腥藻细胞合成大量的MAAs,且在光辐射下暴露的时间越长,合成的MAAs越多。
- FBA transgenic Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was obtained by the method of triprentalmating for conjugative transfer. 2) The enzyme activity of FBA in transgenic cells was 31.2% higher than that of wildtype cells. 2)对转基因鱼腥藻及转空载体鱼腥藻、野生型鱼腥藻中FBA 酶活性比较发现;转基因藻中FBA 酶活性得到了提高;大约比野生藻提高了31.;2%25。
- Four species of Cyanophyta, Anabaena sp.595, Nostoc sp.96, Plectonema boryanum 246 and Lyngbya largerheimii Mab(Gom), were cultured for 4 d and treated with penicillin of 8 200 u/mL,15 300 u/mL,18 800 u/mL and 30 800 u/mL for 24 h, respectively. 分别用 8 2 0 0u/mL ;15 30 0u/mL ;1880 0u/mL和 30 80 0u/mL的青霉素处理培养 4d的 4种蓝藻 :鱼腥藻sp .;5 95 (Anabaenasp
- The FBA gene from rice cytoplasm was transferred into filamentous,heterocystour cyanobacterium Anabaena sp.PCC 7120.Through antibiotic selection,we finally got the strain that could constantly express this meric gene. 将水稻胞质FBA嵌合基因转入鱼腥藻7120,通过相应的抗生素筛选及PCR鉴定后,确定得到了稳定遗传的转基因藻。