- AnHui Education Press n. 安徽教育出版社
- Anhui Education and Research Network? 安徽省教育和科研计算机网?
- People Education Press put out a large number of books last year. 人民教育出版社去年出了大量新书。
- Scrivener, J.Learning Teaching.Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2002. 王银泉.;报刊英语教学在英语综合运用能力培养中的地位和作用
- Wedell M. Language teaching and Learning[M]. Higher Education Press, 1995. 韦力.;完善教学计划;提高教学质量
- QIU Guan-yuan.Electrocircuit [ M ].Beijing: Higher Education Press, 1999. [1]邱关源.;电路[M]
- On Dec.1,the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's education press was held in Great Hall of the People. 十二月一日,人民教育出版社建社50周年庆祝大会在人民大会堂举行。
- On Dec. 1, the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People's education press was held in Great Hall of the People. 十二月一日,人民教育出版社建社50周年庆祝大会在人民大会堂举行。
- CHANG Hong. Study on Domestic Animal and Genetic Resources of China. Xi'an: Shaanxi People Education Press. 常洪主编。中国家畜遗传资源研究。西安:陕西人民教育出版社。
- Dai, Zhi-Zhong, Yang, Yu-Zhen. Regional Architectural Culture of Southwest China. Wuhan: Hubei Education Press. 戴志中,杨宇振,中国西南地域建筑文化,武汉:湖北出版社。
- Nan jing University et al.Agrology and Agrogeography.The People's Education Press,1980. 土壤学基础与土壤地理学.;北京:人民教育出版社;1980年
- Guan Z,Lu JF.Basic of Numerical Analysis.Beijing:Higher Education Press,1998 (in Chinese). 关治;陆金甫.;数值分析基础
- Gutt,Ernst-August.2004.Translation and Relevance:Cognition and Context[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 谭载喜.;新编奈达论翻译[M]
- Yao Weian and Zhong Wanxie, Symplectic Elasticity, Beijing, Higher Education Press, 2002. 168姚伟岸、钟万勰,辛弹性力学,北京:高等教育出版社,2002
- Shuttleworth,Mark &Moria Cowie.2004.Dictionary of Translation Studies.Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press. 赵彦春.;2005
- Dubin, F. &Olshtain, E. 1986. Course design. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 程晓堂,英语教材分析与设计,北京,外语教学与研究出版社)。
- Eugen.A.Nida, 2001.Language, Culture, And Translating[M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. 薄冰.;高级英语语法[M]
- Basil Hatim &Ian M ason.D iscourse and the T ranslation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001. 巴尔胡达罗夫;蔡毅译.;语言与翻译[M]
- Baker, M.In Other Words: Coursebook on Translation[M].Shanghai:Foreign Language Education Press, 2002. 范仲英.;实用翻译教程[M]
- Peter Newmark.Approaches to Translation[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.84-96. 姜治文;文军.;翻译标准论[M]