- On Immunity of Justifiable Use of Intellectual Property From Anti trust Law 论知识产权正当行使行为的反垄断法豁免
- anti trust law ph. 反托拉斯法
- And the trust law in the Anglo-American legal system exists in the form of case law. 英美法系各国的信托法均以判例法形式存在,其中英国信托法已有了六百多年的历史并早已趋于完善和定型;
- As an important type of trust, imply trust hasn"t been regarded as important in study of trust law. 非明示信托作为一种重要的信托类型,在我国的信托法研究中未得到重视。
- Trust legislation in the future should be established in trust law, litigation law and special law such as environment law. 未来诉讼信托立法应注意分别从信托法、诉讼法以及环境保护法等特别部门法的层面进行构建。
- In favor of the application of Trust Law on cooperation trustee forestation,this essay aims that the creditors of trustee are not able to enforce the execution of trust propert... 受托人违反信托挪用、侵吞信托财产除要承担信托法上的责任外,还要承担刑法上的责任。
- All countries' trust law has entrusted with the trustee a more widespread right.Meanwhile in order to avoid the trustee abusing the right,has also made certain limitation. 各国的信托法均赋予了受托人较为广泛的权利,同时为了避免受托人滥用权利,对这些权利的行使也作了一定的限制。
- Without the uniform international trust legislation, considering the opening of financial capital market, this article discusses the legislation defects of current domestic trust law in reference to the legislation practice of Anglo-American countries. 本文结合当前英美各国的成熟和普遍认可的立法实践,在没有统一信托实体法的国际立法背景下,结合我国金融资本市场开放的国情,对我国信托法存在的诸多不足进行了探讨,以期完善我国国际信托受益人保护的立法,从而促进和规范我国国际信托的发展。
- On the Reconstruction of the Theory of Legal Values of Anti - trust Laws--From the Angle of Values of Competition 反垄断法价值理论的重构--以竞争价值为视角
- Issuing bank trusts all the importing documents to proposer will not result in out of hand of issuing bank, and regulations in trust law do not conflict with guarantee law. 四、开证行将具有全套进口的单据信托给开证申请人不会脱手,担保法上的要求和信托法上约定并不构成冲突。
- We trust for American government's apology. 我们期待美国政府的道歉。
- An Analysis of Trust Law and Business Trust System 信托法原理与商业信托法制
- Bill Gates is an American citizen. 比尔·盖茨是美国公民。
- The view on the basic principle of trust law 论信托法的基本原则
- He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
- The American market turned roundsharply a week ago. 美国证券市场於一周前急遽反转。
- The Nestor or American philosophy. 美国哲学界中的耆宿。
- The Establishment of Modern English Trust Law 近现代英国信托法律制度的确立
- American girls are often very pretty. 美国女孩多很漂亮。
- Many American are couch potatoes these days. 现在许多美国人都是电视迷。