- Allorhinocoris flavus n. 黄绿肩盲蝽
- Peanuts are the most susceptible to Aspergillus flavus crops. 花生是最容易感染黄曲霉菌的农作物。
- An arboreal mammal(Potos flavus) of Central and South America,having brownish fur and a long,prehensile tail. 蜜熊中南美洲一种树栖的哺乳动物,(蜜熊浣熊科)有棕色毛皮,长而具缠绕性的尾
- Aspegillus flavus was found in the infected peanut meal, together with alcoholextractable toxins termed aflatoxins. 在被污染的花生米中发现黄曲霉和能用乙醇提取的毒素,该毒素被命名为黄曲霉毒素。
- An arboreal mammal(Potos flavus)of Central and South America,having brownish fur and a long,prehensile tail. 蜜熊中南美洲一种树栖的哺乳动物,(蜜熊浣熊科)有棕色毛皮,长而具缠绕性的尾
- An arboreal mammal(Potos flavus) of Central and South America, having brownish fur and a long, prehensile tail. 蜜熊中南美洲一种树栖的哺乳动物,(蜜熊浣熊科)有棕色毛皮,长而具缠绕性的尾
- The pathogens causing red gardenia browning and rotting were Aspergillus niger v.Tieghem and Aspergillus flavus Link. 摘要引起贮藏期红栀子果实发生褐变腐烂的病原菌为黑曲霉和黄曲霉。
- Although many antifungal compounds have been found against A. flavus up to now, few of them could be used in practice. 尽管目前已经筛选到的抗黄曲霉化合物有很多,但真正能够投入实践中应用的却很少。
- Finally, with the help of microscope ,I conclude preliminarily that this kind of fungi is Aspergillus flavus. 最后通过显微镜观察初步鉴定为黄曲霉。
- Aspergillus flavus is a common mold contaminating grains, foods and traditional Chinese medicines as well as picadura. 黄曲霉是污染粮食、食品、中药材和烟丝的常见霉菌。由于黄曲霉的产物黄曲霉毒素具有很强的致癌作用。
- The ultrastructure of seed coat of resistant and susceptible peanut varieties to Aspergillus flavus was observed. 比较分析了花生高抗、中抗和高感黄曲霉菌品种种皮纹理的超微结构。
- Study on relationships between endochitinase, exochitinase and resistance to aspergillus flavus during seeds evelopment of arachis hypogaea L. 花生种子发育过程几丁质内切酶、外切酶与抗黄曲霉侵染的关系研究。
- Methods:TCL method was used to identify Limax flavus Linnaeus,Radix Ginseng,Radix Notoginseng,Rhizoma Corydalis in the Xianlong Kangan Capsules. 方法:采用薄层色谱法对仙龙抗癌胶囊中蛞蝓、红参、三七、延胡索进行定性鉴别,其中蛞蝓的薄层色谱鉴别首次在制剂中发表。
- Objective To investigate the effects of cinnamaldehyde and citral on DNA and RNA of Aspergillus flavus and A. fumigatus cells and their mechanisms. 目的研究肉桂醛、柠檬醛对黄曲霉和烟曲霉细胞DNA、RNA水平的影响,以期探明其抗真菌的作用机制。
- It is mainly produced by Aspergillus flavus andAspergillus parasiticus, and mainly contaminates maize, peanut, nut, and their productions. 这类毒素主要由黄曲霉、寄生曲霉产生,以污染玉米、花生、坚果等农作物及其制品为主。
- Any of a group of toxic compounds produced by certain molds, especially Aspergillus flavus, that contaminate stored food supplies such as animal feed and peanuts. 黄麴毒素由某些霉菌,特别是黄麴产生的一组有毒复合物,可破坏贮存食品,例如动物食品以及花生
- We cooperated with USDA-ARS in study of resistance mechanism to Aspergillus flavus infection and genome research in peanut. 与美国农业部(USDA-ARS)合作开展花生黄曲霉分子机制和基因组研究。
- The effects of wax and cuticle of peanut seed coat on reducing the infection and aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus were studied. 摘要黄麴黴侵染花生的研究表明,种皮破损的黄麴黴毒素含量显著高于种皮完整的,种皮对黄麴黴侵染和产毒起著重要的屏障作用。
- Aspergillus flavus is a plant and human pathogen.It can invade crops (such as peanuts and maize) and produce aflatoxins during corn storage. 黄曲霉是植物和人类共同的致病菌,其主要危害是侵染花生、玉米等粮食作物,在谷物贮藏过程中产生黄曲霉毒素。
- In this paper the antagonism of Talaromyces flavus against pathogens of cotton and the effect of glucose on its antagonistic activi ty were studied. 就黄色蠕形霉对棉花上几种病原菌的拮抗作用作了初步研究,分析了葡萄糖对黄色蠕形霉抗生物质产量及活性的影响。