- Alex: Is it really so magical? 真的这么神奇?
- Is it really so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities? 一个罪犯对违法之事洗手不干真的有那么难吗?
- If my kids are munching on candy anyway, is it really so bad if it\'s giving them their RDA at the same time? 如果我的孩子们尽情咀嚼糖果的同时假如计算他们的推荐日摄食量的话,难道那不是太糟糕了?
- Is the unfixed-term labor contract really like a great scourge? Is it really so terrible? 无固定期限劳动合同真的是洪水猛兽,真的那么可怕吗?
- Is it really so? 真的是那样吗?
- Is it really necessary to have the meeting? 召开这次会议真的有必要吗?
- Is it really necessary to cheat in the test? 在测试中作弊真的必要吗?
- It really isn't half bad, is it? 这的确很不错,对吗?
- Is it really suspended in mid air? 那它真的悬在半空吗?
- Oh, a watch/xx! Is it really for me? 喔,一只表/xx!真的是给我的吗?
- Is it really impossible to restore it. 是否真的无法挽回呢。
- Is it really light at midnight in the north? 在北部午夜真的有光吗?
- Is it really necessary to kill that cat? 真的一定要杀死那只猫吗?
- Is it really is detached secular relief? 超脱世俗难道真的是解脱吗?
- Kristina: Is it really that easy? 真的是那么简单吗?
- Scott, my god is it really you?! 斯科特,我的上帝啊,真的是你?!
- Is it really him or the loss of my innocence. 真的是他么?还是我已失去了我的天真?
- But is it really better for you and the planet? 但是,有机食品真地对你和地球更有益吗?
- Is it really clones in the new farm? 在新农场中真的是克隆体吗?
- It is just a replica,is it really that scary? 只不过是个仿制品,你至于吓成这样吗?