- Aleksandr Ivanitsky 伊瓦尼茨基
- Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr (Isayevich). 索忍尼辛.
- Aleksandr Plaksin is a military geophysicist. 亚历山大Plaksin是军事地球物理学家。
- Aleksandr Popov dominated sprint swimming throughout the 1990s. 上世纪九十年代,俄罗斯游泳运动员亚历山大-波波夫成为世界泳坛头号运动员。
- Aleksandr Rakov is horrified by his son憇 plan. 亚历山大拉科夫惊骇的是他的儿子的计划。
- Gennadiy V.Efirkin, Aleksandr I.Ovchinnikov, Vladimir A. Feskov和Tsogtoogiyn Byambazhav参加野外工作)。
- His favorite example is Aleksandr Luria's The Mind of the Mnemonist. 他根据他对病人的观察,而写了好几本畅钖书。
- Aleksandr Pushkin is, by common agreement, the greatest poet of love. 把普希金称为颂扬爱情的圣手他当之无愧。
- Putin’s is a new and subtler game: he is the autocrat who calls on the widow of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. 同这样的人打交道,需要高超的政治技艺,而我们现有的政治家还远远达不到这个水平。
- His total of 8 medals in one Olympics tied the record set by Aleksandr Dityatin in the boycotted 1980 games. 他共8面奖牌,在奥运会一平的纪录所订的亚历山大季佳京在1980年抵制游戏。
- Arsenal's other home group game ended in a 2-0 win over Porto with Thierry Henry and Aleksandr Hleb scoring either side of half-time. 枪手们在主场的另一场比赛是在与波尔图的交手中,凭借亨利和赫莱布在上半场的进球锁定了2:0的胜局。
- And Rummenigge has insisted Bayern have "no intention at all" of recruiting Barcelona's Belarus international Aleksandr Hleb. 鲁梅尼格还表示拜仁绝不再有购买巴萨的白俄罗斯球员赫莱布的意图。
- Q2: Russian wrestler Aleksandr Karelin participated in four Olympic Games from 1988 on. How many gold medals did he win in total? 问:俄罗斯摔跤选手亚历山大-卡列林从1988年起参加了四届奥运会的比赛,请问他共获得多少枚金牌?
- First seen in Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, its design, completed by Nikolai Stepanovich Sokolov, is based on the original blueprints created by Aleksandr Leonovitch Granin. 游戏系统继承了前代的人车双战斗系统,在此基础上加以强化完善。
- Romanian Nadia Comaneci and Russian Aleksandr Dityatin in Gymnastics,Cuban Boxer Teofilo stevenson,and Ethiopian coe in Track and Field all came out there. 参加这次比赛的有体操运动员罗马尼斯的克桑德口季佳京;拳击运动员古巴的斯蒂文森和米鲁兹口伊夫特;还有田径运动员英国的塞巴斯蒂安口科。
- Outstanding people like the Russians have nurtured spiritual giants such as Chernyshevsky NG and Herzen Aleksandr who drew their strength from the humanistic ideals and conscience of the entire people. 优秀民族如俄罗斯民族,曾哺育了车尔尼雪夫斯基、赫尔岑那样的精神巨人,他们的力量来自全体人民的人文理想和整个民族的历史良知。
- Placing beside him his gold snuff-box with a portrait of Aleksandr I on the lid, the prince tore open a pack of highly glazed cards and was going to spread them out, when his Italian valet brought him a letter on a silver tray. 他身旁配售黄金鼻烟盒与我的肖像亚历山大盖子、王子撕开了一个折卡、要高度釉面散布出来;当他带来了一封关于意大利代客银托盘.
- Studied for 30 years by the Russian psychologist Aleksandr Luria, he could memorise strings of dozens of numbers just by looking at a blackboard, recalling them with stunning accuracy months or years later and reciting them backwards or forwards. 他看一眼黑板就可以记住一连串数字,几个月或者数年之后还能极其精确地回忆出这些数字,倒背或顺背如流。 俄罗斯心理学家亚历山大 - 卢里亚对他进行了为期30年的研究。
- Romanian Nadia Comaneci and Russian Aleksandr Dityatin in Gymnastics,Cuban Boxer Teofilo Stevenson,and Ethiopian Miruts Yifter and UK's Sebatian Coe in Track and Field all came out there. 参加这次比赛的有体操运动员罗马尼亚的纳迪娅科曼妮茜,俄罗斯的克桑德季佳京;拳击运动员古巴的斯蒂文森和米鲁兹伊夫特;还有国径运动员英国的塞巴斯蒂安科。
- Or, for that matter, about the final results: a sweep of every seat in the 110-member Parliament by supporters of President Aleksandr G. Lukashenko, often described as Europe's last dictator. 当然他们也未对最后选举结果置评:亲总统鲁卡森科的候选人大获全胜,拿下国会全部110席。鲁卡森科常被说成欧洲最后一名独夫。