- Hot clear air force one and air jordan series! 炎热和空气明确约旦空军一号系列!
- Air Force One is one spiffy ride, Obama says. 空军一号是一个漂亮乘坐;奥巴马说.
- Air Force One landed at Barksdale at 11:45 a.m. 空军一号于上午11:45分降落在巴斯克代尔基地。
- Bush flew back to Washington aboard Air Force One later in the day. 布什当天晚些时候乘坐“空军一号”返回了华盛顿。
- This future Air Force One is already being called a "flying Taj Mahal". 这架未来的空军一号已经被人们称为“空中泰姬陵”。
- Advance men had bundled me and other members of the Party aboard the Presidential aircraft, Air Force One. 先遣人员把我和其他随行人员匆匆忙忙弄上了“空军一号”总统座机。
- Israel's leaders were waiting at Ben Gurion Airport, as Air Force One taxied to a stop. 当美国空军一号总统座机降落在本.;古里安机场时。
- King Abdullah was there to greet President Bush when Air Force One touched down at the Riyadh airport. 美国空军一号专机在利雅得机场着陆后,沙特国王阿卜杜拉亲自在机场迎接布什总统。
- President Obama walks to Air Force One at Dulles International Airport in Dulles, Va., Tuesday, June 2, 2009. 总统奥巴马各界对空军一号在杜勒斯国际机场在杜勒斯,弗吉尼亚州,星期二,2009年6月2日。
- The Commander in Chief disembarks from Marine One at Andrews Air Force Base, on his way to board Air Force One. 在安德鲁斯空军基地,元首从海军一号登陆,前面就是空军一号的舷梯。
- The second warned a bomb at Shannon Airport, in southwest Ireland, would detonate as Air Force One was about to depart. 第二个威胁警告说在空军一队准备离开的时候一枚炸弹将在爱尔兰南部的仙农机场爆炸。
- One of the jumbo jets that serves as Air Force One did a flyby accompanied by a fighter jet. 一架作为空军一号的喷气式客机伴随一架战斗机飞行。联邦航空局说其曾向执法部门通报过这次低空飞行。
- Air Force One slipped unannounced into Baghdad International Airport after a roughly two-hour flight from Istanbul. 空军一号从伊斯坦布尔飞行了大约两个小以后,悄悄地降落在巴格达国际机场。
- Air Force One as the hidden ICBM of the United States of America (which can actually be a cool idea in a campiagn IMO). 空军一号原来是美国的极秘洲际导弹?
- The famous picture of Johnson's swearing-in on Air Force One after the assassination of President Kennedy has Valenti in the background. 肯尼迪总统遇刺之后,约翰逊在空军一号上宣誓继任,这个著名的场面被拍摄下来,瓦伦提正在画面的背景之中。
- H.R. Haldeman sits besides Nixon on Air Force One pointing to a map in the President's lap. Says Haldeman: “This would be a good place to jump. 人名)在空军一号上指着尼克松膝盖上的地图说,“在这儿跳,这是个好地方。”
- The radio call sign for aircraft used to transport the president of the United States. Any aircraft used to carry the president is referred to as Air Force One. 无线电呼叫代码,专指美国总统专机。任何载有美国总统的飞机都叫空军一号。
- I am ashamed to admit I love all the trappings-saluting the generals, stepping off Air Force One, all that cool stuff. People announcing you whenever you enter the room. 我很惭愧地承认我喜欢所有权力的虚饰-好像“对将军们的敬礼”,“从空军一号下机(时受到的礼遇)”,等等的很“酷”的事情。进入一个厅堂是有人宣布你来临(不是很“酷”吗?)
- Obama's pre-decessor was no slouch when it came to fitness: Bush was known to jog on a treadmill aboard Air Force One, cycle, weight lift and stretch six days a week. 谈到健身,欧巴马的前任也不是泛泛之辈:据了解,布希还在空军一号上的跑步机上慢跑,每周六天骑单车、举重和伸展四肢。
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