- Aerial Delivered Land Mine 空投地雷
- The lorry was destroyed by a land mine. 这辆卡车被一个地雷炸毁了。
- Air-Delivered Land Mine System 空投地雷系统
- Air Delivered Anti-Pollution Transfer System 防油污空投转移系统
- In front there is land mine field. Please don't drive any further. 前方是雷场,请不要再往前行驶了。
- air delivered antipollution transter system 海面防油污转移系统
- The desire to ban land mines is not new. 禁止使用地雷的想法并非最近提出来的。
- Then a Chinese text mining system is designed. 在前面所有工作的基础上,本文又整体设计了一个中文文本挖掘系统。
- Or just a dark blue land mine that'll explode without a decent warning? 还是深蓝地雷,会毫无预警的引爆?
- Later proved that the wounded Momou "land mine", that is put in a Yoo. 后来证明,炸伤莫某的“土地雷”,正是柳某投放的那一颗。
- She coalesced opposition to land mines. 她将反对地雷的人们聚集到一起。
- Remote control mine system has important theory research signification and utility value. 遥控开采系统的研究具有重要的理论意义和实用价值。
- Some certain chanciness are existing in the coal accidents,and inevitabilities which are represent on the risk factors of coal mine system also do. 煤矿事故的发生存在一定的偶然,但其内在也是存在着必然的,此必然就体现到了煤矿系统内部所存在风险因素。
- When a land mine is buried, Krock said, its chemical contents alter the soil very soon around it, resulting in a buildup of bacteria. 克罗克说,地雷被埋进土中之后,它的化学物质很快会改变它周围的土壤,从而导致细菌的集结。
- Air Delivered Seismic Detection Sensor 空投地震探测传感器
- The author also discovers the MGIS has the broad application prospect in mine system in our country.MGIS will change the mine work greatly. 研究中同时发现矿山地理信息系统在我国煤矿系统中有广阔的应用前景,建立实用的矿山地理信息系统将使煤矿工作发生质的飞跃。
- Members of all parties endorsed a ban on land mines. 各党派成员都赞同禁用地雷。
- This paper discussed the method and technique of the auto-conversion of isomerous GIS data and in-tegrated using in digital mine system. 探讨了在数字矿山系统中,实现异构数据自动转换和集成应用的技术和方法。
- Imagine, for example, a hole guarded by three buried land mines. 例如,想象一下如果一个球洞有三个地雷来指引。
- Passive acoustic DoA(Direction-of-Arrival)estimate using acoustic sensor array is a kind of key technology in intelligent mine system. 被动声定位是智能地雷的关键技术之一,其中声传感器阵列测向确定了目标的方位角信息。