- Agrostis eriolepis n. 柔毛剪股颖
- Comparative studies on green color and plant characters of new strains in Agrostis stolonifera L. 匍匐翦股颖新品系植株形态与果岭草色泽比较研究。
- Some changes in physicological and biochemical indexes under low temperature stress in the leaves of Agrostis stolonifera L. 本特草在低温胁迫下生理生化指标的变化。
- And their sequence of drought tolerance during seedling was Lolium perenne>Festuca arundinacea>Bromus inermis>Festuca rubra>Agrostis stolonifera. 综合分析可知,5种冷季型草坪草的苗期抗旱性能由强多弱依次为:多年生黑麦草>高羊茅>无芒雀麦>紫羊茅>匍匐翦股颖。
- An annual grass (Agrostis nebulosa) native to Spain and Portugal, cultivated for its delicate, finely branched cluster of tiny spikelets and used in dried arrangements. 云翦股颖:一种一年生草(云翦股颖),原产于西班牙和葡萄牙,因其精美、分枝很好的簇状小穗花而被种植,用于干花布置
- Any of various usually weedy grasses of the genus Agrostis native to chiefly temperate regions. Some are grown for pasture, turf, or putting greens on golf courses. 剪股颖,糠穗草:一种剪股颖属丛生杂草,主要产于温带地区。有些为牧场、赛马场或高尔夫球场绿地而种植
- Agrostis stolonifera L. 匍匐剪股颖
- Agrostis stoloni f era L. 匍匐翦股颖
- The heat tolerance among 5 turfgrass cultivars was ranked as Pacer tall fescue(Festuca arundinacea)>Houndog tall fescue(F.arundinacea)>Merit bluegrass(Poa pratensis)>Derby ryegrass(Lolium perenne)>Cobra creeping bentgrass(Agrostis palustris). Merit>Derby黑麦草Lolium perennecv.;Derby>Cobra匍匐翦股颖Agrostispalustriscv
- creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera) 匍匐翦股颖
- Creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L. ) 匍匐翦股颖
- Effects of the root system of Agrostis stolonifera on the decontamination of municipal domestic wastewater 匍匐翦股颖草坪根系对城市生活污水的净化效应
- Biological characteristics of Agrostis stolonifera in rice fields and its control 稻田匍茎剪股颖的生物学特性与防除初报
- Effect of Cu and Pb pollution on physiological indexes of Agrostis stolonifera and Festuca arundinacea 铜、铅污染对翦股颖和高羊茅生理的影响
- Genetic differentiation and systematic relationships of Agrostis based on multi-molecular marker evidence 剪股颖属植物遗传分化及系统关系的分子标记研究
- A preliminary study on resources of Agrostis stollonifera and building plants of lawn in Guizhou 贵州野生匍茎翦股颖资源及其草坪建植技术初报
- Effects of high Temperature Stress on some Physiological Characteristics and Regeneration Ability of Agrostis stolonifera green turf grass 高温对匍匐翦股颖果岭草坪草生理特性及再生性的影响
- Biological Characteristics of Agrostis stolonifera, a Good Wild Grass Variety and its Technique of Building and Management Lawn 优良野生草坪草匍茎翦股颖的建坪管理技术
- Effects of Fertilization Frequency on Growth Character in Green-turf of Agrostis stolonifera Cultivar Yuexuan No.1 In Summer 施肥频率对夏季粤选1号匍匐翦股颖果岭草生长影响
- Keywords heavy-metal ions stress;creeping bent (Agrostis stolonifera);ryegrass (Lolium perenne);ecology-toxicological effect;antioxidative metabolism enzymes;gene expression; 重金属离子胁迫;葡萄翦股颖;多年生黑麦草;生态毒理效应;抗氧化代谢;基因表达;