- A rapidly ageing population makes pensions a particular worry. 由于人口老龄化的压力,养老金让政府十分头疼。
- Which of the following is NOT a reason for ageing population. 下列各项当中哪一个不是老化的理由人口。
- With an ageing population, the importance of looking after the health of the elderly is self-evident. 在人口不断老化的情况下,确保长者健康的重要性不在话下。
- With an ageing population,the importance of looking after the health of the elderly is self-evident. 在人口不断老化的情况下,确保长者健康的重要性不在话下。
- Rousseau′ s sport thought embodies distinct naturalism: conform to natural law and grow naturally in body and mind. 卢梭的体育思想体现了鲜明的自然主义特征:即服从自然法则,让人的身心自由协调地发展。
- Capable of growing in line with consumption in the economy, even with an ageing population. 可随著消费上升而增长,即使人口老化,情况也不受影响。
- The ageing population will give rise to a series of problems, including greater demand for elderly care services. 人口老化会引起一连串问题,包括有更多长者需要护理及照顾。
- It also raises that it is necessary to strengthen the tempering of female s sports morality will and moral behavior. 并提出高校女生体育教育有必要、针对性地加强女性体育道德意志的磨炼和道德行为上的强化。
- We will develop a comprehensive policy for our ageing population, and provide our elderly with a sense of security, belonging and worthiness. 我们并会为老化的人口制定周详的安老政策,务求做到“老有所养、老有所属、老有所为”。
- AMERICA'S sports leagues have always posed a challenge for antitrust regulators. 美国体育联盟总是在向反垄断监管机构提出挑战。
- Ageing populations: Economic burden or social opportunity? 老年化:经济负担还是社会机遇?
- The government, on the recommendation of the Ageing Population Committee, has amended the Central Provident Fund Act to relax investment restrictions. 政府在人口老化委员会的建议下,修改《公积金法》,放宽投资限制。
- "The day competition schedule is yet to be confirmed by the IOC," said Sun Weiyi, an official with BOCOG's sports department. 这项提议遭到了澳大利亚和部分欧洲国家的强烈抗议。费利表示最后的时间安排在年底前要确定下来了。
- We will develop a comprehensive policy for our ageing population,and provide our elderly with a sense of security,belonging and worthiness. 我们并会为老化的人口制定周详的安老政策,务求做到“老有所养、老有所属、老有所为”。
- The Central Policy Unit will support the Task Force by conducting research so as to lay the groundwork for dealing with our ageing population. 中央政策组会配合人口政策专责小组的工作,进行研究,为处理人口老化问题作准备。
- Health and social welfare costs associated with the ageing population would increase, while the number of Salaries Tax payers would decrease. 人口老化会引致政府在医疗和社会福利方面的支出增加,但缴纳薪俸税的人数却会减少。
- So will the better health of an ageing population, good as it has been for so many, impose unaffordable costs on public-health budgets? 尽管老龄化人口更为良好的健康状况对许多人都有好处,但这是否会给公共健康预算带来无法负担的负担?
- The paper analyzed the target heart and RPE monitoring old people s sport,to prevent old people from illness and accident when exercising,and improve their health and living quality. 利用目标心率和RPE方法对老年人运动量进行监测,预防老年人运动意外的发生,达到增进健康,预防疾病,提高老年人的生活质量。
- It was one of the few countries in the world, perhaps the only one, that had a pension system that could meet the needs of its ageing population. 冰岛是世界上少有的几个拥有能满足老年人口需要的养老金体系的国家之一,或许是唯一的一个。
- Private health care provider BUPA commissioned the survey as part of a debate on the implications of an ageing population. 私立健康机构、英国有远见者联合会将调查结果作为研究老龄人口问题的论据之一。