- Trained from early youth in the disciplines of the Advaita Vedanta, he looked upon the world as an illusion. 他早年的时候受到吠檀多不二论的训练,把世界看成一个幻像。
- Shankara (founder of the Advaita Vedanta): I am very sorry to have to tell you my reflection on the Unification Principle after having listened to lectures for but a short period of time. 向克拉(阿维塔.;吠陀哲学的创建者):在听完了讲师讲述的统一原理后,我很抱歉要告诉各位我只有短短的时间来做见证。
- Advaita Vedanta n. 印度吠檀多派的不二论
- This was My Realization, in the Vedanta Temple. 这是我在吠檀多寺里的证悟。
- Again he addressed Her, saying: "mere knowledge of Advaita! 他又向她致辞,说:“纯粹的非二元论知识!
- He found in the Master the embodiment of the Vedanta scriptures. 他发现师父是吠檀多经文的具体表现。
- Vedanta is a philosophy; you can understand it perfectly well. 吠檀多是一种哲学;你能很好地理解它。
- Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta. 多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。
- Question: Have you heard about aspects of Vedanta like mantra and initiation? 问:你有没有听过一些说法,关于吠檀多的表面类似于颂歌,以及开始接受它的某种动机?
- Practice of Vedanta in our individual lives: Developing the right mental attitudes. 在我们个体生命中实践吠檀多是为了发展精确的精神态度。
- Advaita means nondual or “not two.” This oneness is a fundamental quality of everything. Everything is a part of and made of one substance. 不二吠檀多意指不二或者“无二”。这个一体性是万事万物的基本特质。所有事物是那一的一个部分,也是其所造。
- Vedanta is not merely a philosophical doctrine, but it is practical Self-realisation. 吠檀多不是一种纯理论的学说,它是实际的自性开悟。
- Literally, "non-dualism," advaita is the name of the oldest extant school of vedAnta. advaita bases itself upon the upanishads, the brahma-sUtras and the bhagavad-gItA. 从字面上来讲,“不二论”,不二吠檀多是吠檀多一个最古老延伸体系的名字。不二吠檀多建基于奥义书、梵经和薄伽梵歌。
- Vedanta is a young company; we give more opportunity to our employees to participate in innovation. Welcome to join us and sharing our success. 威纳达同时是一家新生的企业,在这里我们为员工提供了更多的机会参与创新。我们以崭新的价值观与锲而不舍对事业追求的态度欢迎新伙伴的加盟。
- In the 8th century Sankara developed Advaita further, arguing that the world is unreal and that the Upanishads teach the nature of Brahman, the only reality. 8世纪的印度哲学家商羯罗(Sankara)进一步发挥不二论的论点,认为奥义书(Upanishad)教给人们的是梵(Brahman)的本质,梵是真实的,而世界是虚妄的。任何变化、二元性或多元性都是一种幻觉。
- She is the Mother of the Universe, identical with the Brahman of Vedanta, and with the Atman of Yoga. 她是宇宙之母,同样也是吠檀多的梵天,又是瑜伽的阿特曼。
- So he asked Hari to practise Vedanta in life by giving up the unreal and following the Real. 他叫哈里在生活中实践吠檀多,放弃不真实的念头,追随真实。
- This is the Vedanta, the utmost need for a shrinking world being conquered by speed and greed. 这就是吠檀多,是萎缩性世界(已经被速度和贪婪所征服的世界)的最重要的饥渴。
- In the Vedanta books it is said that after the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi the body drops off like a dry leaf. 根据吠檀多的书籍,据说体验无余依三摩地之后,身体会像枯叶那样死去。
- The Master wanted to train Narendra in the teachings of the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy. 师父希望通过教导非二元论吠檀多来训练纳兰德。