- Adonis sutchuenensis n. 蜀侧金盏花
- Adonis chrysocyathus Hook.f.et Thoms. 金色冰凉花
- Adonis: A very handsome young man. 美少年很英俊的年轻男子;美少年,小白脸。
- And flatters her it is Adonis' voice. 奉承她说,喊出这一声的,一定是阿都尼。
- She apparently takes him as her Adonis. 显然,她把他当作小白脸儿啦。
- Did you see that Adonis in Tom's study group? 你看见汤姆学习小组里那个帅哥了吗?
- Among the more important Turner oils was 'Venus and Adonis'. 《维纳斯和阿多尼斯》是透纳比较重要的油画作品之一。
- Adonis n. A strikingly beautiful youth loved by Aphrodite. 阿多尼斯被阿佛洛狄忒所恋的美少年。
- The 1 000 seed weight of Thuja sutchuenensis was lighter, only 1.1264g. 崖柏种子的千粒质量为1.;12649;
- Adonis aestivalis belongs to Adonis of Ranunculaceae. 夏侧金盏花(Adonis estivalis L.;)
- Genus Adonis in N-E China was studied in this paper. 本文对东北侧金盏花属(Adonis)进行了研究;认为东北地区不产Adonis sibirica Patr.
- Poor Adonis, ain't you cursed by the goddess of Love? 亲爱的阿多尼斯,难道你背负了爱的诅咒?
- I think you may deign to marry me.I don't want to be an Adonis. 你要屈尊下嫁,我可不想当小白脸儿。
- Her character as a goddess of vegetation is shown in the story of Adonis. 她作为植物女神的性格可以从阿道涅斯故事里看出来。
- For the cones of Thuja sutchuenensis, the proportion of the cones without seed was 7.1%. 在崖柏球果中,无种子的球果占7.;1%25;
- Advances in the research of constituents and pharmacology of Adonis L. 侧金盏花属植物成分及药理研究进展
- He has a special appearance bringing up the image of Adonis from Greek myth. 他特别的外貌就像希腊神话中阿多尼斯的形象。
- Peter,who was chosen the handsomest boy in the senior class,is quite an Adonis. 彼得,高中班里公选的最英俊的男孩子,帅呆了.;(帅如阿多尼斯)
- Aphrodite is the daughter of Ouranos and Hemera and accordingly married Adonis. 她是乌拉诺斯与赫墨拉之女,后与阿多尼斯结婚。