- There are no more than three administrative appeal representatives for each administrative appellant and intervenor appellant. 每一诉愿人或参加人委任之诉愿代理人不得超过三人。
- After three mediations, the prosecutor finally agreed to appeal no more. 经过三轮调解,原告终于答应息诉了。
- Article 31 An administrative appeal decision has also effects upon the intervenor appellant. 第31条诉愿决定对于参加人亦有效力。
- The interest at stake of the intervenor appellant and the administrative appeal. 二参加人与本诉愿之利害关系。
- However, to withdraw the administrative appeal which via a written consent from all appellants is required. 但撤回诉愿,非经全体诉愿人书面同意,不得为之。
- The administrative appellant, intervenor appellant, or administrative appeal representative states the issue of fact and the issue of law. 二诉愿人、参加人或诉愿代理人就事件为事实上及法律上之陈述。
- Article 32 An administrative appellant or intervenor appellant might have authorized the representative(s) to conduct administrative appeal. 第32条诉愿人或参加人得委任代理人进行诉愿。
- Article 43 A service shall be made by the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal by its ex officio, provided that otherwise stipulated. 第43条送达除别有规定外,由受理诉愿机关依职权为之。
- The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal to inquire the administrative appellant or the agency which the administrative action was made. 五受理诉愿机关对诉愿人及原行政处分机关提出询问。
- Article 36 While there are more than one administrative appeal representatives, each one might represent the administrative appellant independently. 第36条诉愿代理人有二人以上者,均得单独代理诉愿人。
- Article 60 The administrative appellant may withdraw the administrative appeal before the administrative appeal decision has been served. 第60条诉愿提起后,于决定书送达前,诉愿人得撤回之。
- Article 22 To file an administrative appeal jointly might have been represented by one to three person (s) elected among all administrative appellants. 第22条共同提起诉愿,得选定其中一人至三人为代表人。
- The agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal might notify she/he to participate the administrative appeal while necessary as well. 受理诉愿机关认有必要时,亦得通知其参加诉愿。
- However, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal assigns a peremptory period to present the evidence, the evidence shall be presented in the specific period. 但受理诉愿机关限定于一定期间内提出者,应于该期间内提出。
- However, service might have made to the administrative appellant or intervenor appellant, while the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal deemed necessary. 但受理诉愿机关认为必要时,得送达于诉愿人或参加本人。
- Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。
- An administrative appeal is filed against non-administrative action or other cases which are beyond the scope of administrative appeal remediless according to other Acts. 八对于非行政处分或其他依法不属诉愿救济范围内之事项提起诉愿者。
- The appellant or participating party may, according to paragraph 3 of Article 63 of the Law of Administrative Appeal, attach reasons applying for statement of oral opinions. 另诉愿人或参加人得附具理由,依本法第63条第3项规定,申请陈述意见。
- Article 24 As long as the representative(s) was elected or assigned, the representative(s) will conduct an administrative appeal on behalf of all administrative appellants. 第24条代表人经选定或指定后,由其代表全体诉愿人为诉愿行为。
- The cruel landlord would bate him no rent. 那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。