- Active Loop Heat Pipe (ALHP) 主动式环路热管
- This study reports the investigation of the heat transport capacity enhancement in miniature loop heat pipe (mini-LHP). 本文旨在研究小型化迴路式热管之热传增强效应。
- Kroliczek, E. J., and Ku, J., “Design, Development and Test of A Capillary Pump Loop Heat Pipe,” AIAA Paper no.84-1720, 1984. 王晖雄;“热管散热模组效能之探讨;”国立成功大学工程科学系硕士论文;2001年6月.
- Both of the monodisperse and the bidisperse wick structures were then installed into the loop heat pipe, then the heat transfer performance of the loop heat pipe system was tested. 文中并同时制作出单孔径毛细结构以利比较,最后将其分别置入迴路式热管系统中,测试其性能表现,包括其热传能力和热阻。
- The design and thermal vacuum test results of a deployable radiator with loop heat pipes for the space application are presented. 当主动控温的输入信号为储液器上温度时,只能实现蒸发器的温度控制而不是热源的温度控制。
- Mechanical Pumped Loop Heat Pipe 机械泵热管
- mechanically-pumped loop heat pipe (MPLHP) 机械泵驱动回路式热管
- Dual compensation chamber loop heat pipe 双储液器环路热管
- Application of Loop Heat Pipe Technology to High Power Rectifier Cabinets 回路热管散热器在大功率整流装置中的应用
- The One-Dimensional Analysis of Heat and Mass Transfer Processes in Loop Heat Pipe Evaporator 环路热管蒸发器毛细芯传热流动特性的一维分析
- Design of a novel turbine-pump-driven loop heat pipe and its thermodynamic analysis 新型涡轮-泵驱动式回路热管设计及热力学分析
- Keywords heat pipe chemical reactor;ophidian loop heat pipe;etherisation;methyl tert-butyl ether(MTBE); 热管反应器;蛇形回路热管;醚化;甲基叔丁基醚;
- Keywords loop heat pipe reactor;snakelike loop heat pipe;heat transfer;methyl-tert-butyl ether; 回路热管反应器;蛇形回路热管;传热;甲基叔丁基醚;
- Experimental investigation on temperature oscillation of loop heat pipes 环路热管温度波动现象的实验分析
- Harbin DawnHappy Heat Pipe Technology., Inc. 哈尔滨晨怡热管技术有限公司。
- cryogenic loop heat pipe 低温回路热管
- Miniature loop heat pipe 小型环路热管
- Capabilities and management of a heat pipe cooling device. 加热管制冷设备的功能和管理。
- loop heat pipe 环路热管
- Khandekar, S., Groll, M., “An Insight Thermo-Hydrodynamic Coupling in Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe,” International Journal of Thermal Science, 2003. 王金树、卓世杰,“脉冲式热管之制造与测试”,硕士论文,国立台北科技大学制造科技研究所,2003。