- Acosmeryx naga n. 葡萄缺角天蛾
- Sphingidae, Macroglossinae - Acosmeryx castanea! ID 大蛾一只!
- The Blood elves ally with the Naga. 血精灵与海妖联盟。
- The Blood Elves and Naga flee through the portal to Draenor. 血精灵与海妖通过德拉诺的时空门逃跑。
- The naga and blood elves recaptured Illidan and freed him. 人们认为她死了,死在了追寻复仇的道路上。
- Thanks to Vinz, MeiFoong, Naga, CheeKeong, YongFatt, SuFang. 谢谢你们抽空给我庆祝.
- Nagarajas in Naga shape have their skills in Water magic increased. 纳迦形态下的纳迦王能拥有更高的水魔法能力。
- The Xel'Naga knew that they had achieved their goal. 一旦全部升级了,猛犸就真正令人感到恐惧了。
- Naga is a wingless type of Indian dragon found in Hindu and Buddhist culture. 那伽是一类没有翅膀的印度龙,主要发现于印度教与佛教文明中。
- The mighty king of the Naga race, Slardar was awoken from the depths of the sea after the invasion of the Burning Legion. 斯拉达,那迦族强大的王者,在灼焰军团入侵之后自海底的深处醒来。
- Malfurion established and defended a night elf base while Illidan and his naga retrieved Tyrande and her soldiers. 玛法里奥来建立一个暗夜精灵基地,同时伊利丹和他的纳迦军队去重新找回泰兰德和她的战士。
- When Illidan and a group of naga appeared, Tyrande at first thought that he had come to kill her. 当伊利丹和他的纳迦出现时,泰兰德的第一反应是他是来杀她的。
- They have been known, in certain instances to worship enigmatic sea-deities (sometimes including naga). 基于某些理由,人们相信他们崇拜某种神秘的海神(有时包括纳迦)。
- The Naga princess was named after the legendary gorgon who turned her foes into stone. 这位娜迦族公主的名字,和传说中能石化敌人的蛇发女妖一样。
- Maiev: I cannot allow Illidan to escape again! We must slay those naga before they burn the ships. 玛维-影之歌:我再也不能让尤迪安逃脱了!我们必须在娜迦族烧了这些船之前把他们给杀了.
- The Nagini are also skilled Water mages.In their Naga shape, their skill in Water magic is enhanced. 娜吉妮同时也是一个优秀的水魔法师,在纳迦形态下,其水魔力还将进一步得到加强。
- "Naga" is a term used to describe a great being, such as an elephant or a great, magical serpent. "大蛇"是用来描述一个巨大的生物,像是一只象或一条巨大不可思议的蛇。
- They soon discovered that Illidan had come alone, leaving his naga servants on Azeroth. 她们很快便发现仅有伊利丹一人来到外域,他把纳迦仆人们留在了艾则拉斯。
- The Naga are beaten down by Maiev's forces, but not before the boats are sunk and the village left in runes. 娜迦族被玛维的部队所打败;但是船已经沉了;村庄也被毁了.
- Naga: You are too late, little warden. The master has already set sail for distant shores. 娜迦族:你来的太晚了;可怜的守望者.;主人已经向遥远的海岸航行而去