- Abyssinian Nightjar n. 灰头夜鹰
- Therefore Abyssinia was subjugated. 阿比西尼亚因此灭亡了。
- Old World tropical herbs: Abyssinian bananas. 旧世界热带一个草本植物属;埃塞俄比亚香蕉。
- Let us take warning from the fall of Abyssinia[5]. 阿比西尼亚的覆辙(5),前车可鉴。
- The DNA of a 4-year-old Abyssinian cat named Cinnamon, whose ... 该脱氧核糖核酸某4岁的阿比西尼亚猫命名为褐土,其...
- Body weight and more like Abyssinian, a cat up to 5-7 kg. 体 重 体型似阿比西尼亚猫而较大,成猫可达5-7公斤。
- Ethiopia is a republic in northeastern Africa formerly called Abyssinia. 位于非洲东北部的一个共和国,以前被叫作阿比西尼亚。
- Finally the revolt in Abyssinia was being fanned by every means. 最后,还使用一切方法煽动阿比西尼亚起义。
- All her troops in Libya and in Abyssinia would be cut flowers in a vase. 所有它在利比亚和阿比西尼亚的军队,将变成拆下来插在瓶中的花朵一样。
- Except Sir Samuel Baker's book on the Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 那是说除了塞缪尔.;贝克勋爵的那本写阿比西尼亚境内那些尼罗河支流的书之外。
- Teams will also employ different skills such as hearing the owls or nightjar churring during mid-night to record bird species. 他们也会在赛事中运用不同技术,如在深宵聆听猫头鹰和欧夜鹰的鸣叫声等来寻找鸟类。
- The sweet birdsong of the nightjar, the roar of a lion or the grunt of a hippo could soon replace the trilling and beeping of Britain's mobile phones. 英国手机的颤音和尖叫可望在不久之后为欧夜鹰的美妙歌声、狮子的咆哮或是河马的呼噜声所代替。
- Abyssinia was defeated mainly because her feudal regime could not achieve solid internal unity and rouse the initiative of her people. 阿比西尼亚主要地是因为封建制度的统治,不能巩固内部的团结,不能发动人民的积极性,所以失败了。
- Mussolini's designs upon Abyssinia were unsuited to the ethies of the twentieth century. 墨索里尼对阿比西尼亚的野心,是不符合二十世纪的伦理道德的。
- The Book of Enoch was first discovered in Abyssinia in the year 1773 by a Scottish explorer named James Bruce. 以诺书首先在1773年被一位叫詹姆斯布鲁斯的苏格兰探险家发现于阿比西尼亚(非洲东部国家)。
- Another time, I used a little less than a cent profit to buy my daughter an expensive Abyssinian cat. 还有一次,我用极少的利润为我女儿买了一只昂贵的阿比西尼亚猫。
- After attacking Abyssinia,Italy attacked Spain,and Germany joined in; then Japan attacked China. 意大利同阿比西尼亚打了之后,接着意大利同西班牙打,德国也搭了股份,接着日本又同中国打。
- Mussolini's designs upon Abyssinia were unsuited to the ethics of the twentieth century. 墨索里尼对阿比西尼亚的野心,是不符合二十世纪的伦理道德的。
- The European nightjar. 欧洲夜鹰
- Abyssinia, too, lost all her territory when she fought the enemy head-on, though that was not the sole cause of her defeat. 阿比西尼亚的打硬仗,也得到丧失全国的结果,虽然阿国失败的原因不仅仅这一点。