- GL: Empire is a much different film than Star Wars. 《帝国反击战》是和《星球大战》非常不同的电影。
- QUESTION: Were you a Star Wars fan as a kid? 问:你从孩提时代起就是一个《星战》迷吗?
- A: Star Wars? I love this movie! 《星际大战》吗?我超爱这部电影的!
- Sally has a"Star Wars"poster in her room. 萨利的房间里有一张《星球大战》的海报。
- I played with Star Wars toys when I was a boy. 当我还是个孩子时,我与星际战争玩具一起玩。
- The speaker is going to debate on Star War with his opponents. 讲演者将和他的对手辩论有关星球大战的问题。
- The new Star Wars movie has lots of technical razzle-dazzle. 新电影《星际大战》中有很多技术特技。
- I am going to see "star wars" at the cinema. 我要去电影院看星球大战。
- II(Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. 续作《星球大战:旧共和国武士。
- Discovery - The Science of Star Wars. 星战中的科学。
- Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones. 大战前传II-克隆人的进攻。
- Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II. 旧共和国武士II:西斯领主。
- No, but have you seen the movie Star Wars? 没有。哎!你看过电影《星球大战》没有?
- Really, everyone my age grew up with Star Wars. 真的,和我一样年纪的人都是伴随着《星战》长大的。
- Chloe: Have you seen all the Star Wars movies? 克洛伊?你看过所有星际大战电影吗?
- SW: How do you think Star Wars and Empire compare? 把《星球大战》和《帝国反击战》相比,你有什么看法?
- How long did you work on the Star Wars production? 你在星战制作部门工作了多久?
- The 501st focuses on Star Wars villain costuming. 五零一集中与星球大战的反派扮装。
- Star Wars Empire At War Forces of Cor. 星球大战帝国战争之堕落之军。
- This wise decision enabled him to make a sequel to Star Wars. 这个聪明的决定使他能够拍出《星际大战》的续集。