- Roman dominating function Roman控制函数
- Discussing some problms on Roman domination in graphs. 图的罗马控制数。
- reverse minus cycle dominating function 反减圈控制函数
- reverse signed edge dominating function 反符号边控制函数
- His writing kept reconciliation with Augustan rule ideas,so his work automatically served Augustan rule and confirmed the theoretical foundation for Roman domination. 他的重构与奥古斯都试图论证他的统治是建立在罗马内在的传统之上这一统治理念相一致,从这点来看,李维的写作自觉地配合了奥古斯都的统治,为罗马对世界的统治构建了意识形态方面的依据。
- reverse signed edge total dominating function 反符号边全控制函数
- For one thing, it made roman dominant group adjusted the strategy of Roman Republic struggle, and led to the temporary unity of Roman military oligarch . 第三部分主要阐明阴谋产生的深远影响,一方面它促使罗马统治集团及时调整政治斗争策略,并在很大程度上导致罗马军事寡头力量的暂时联合---“前三头”同盟的出现。
- k-signed edge dominating function k符号边控制函数
- signed total dominating function 符号全控制函数
- Its dominant function lies in the accomplishment of material exchange between blood and tissue. 它最重要的作用就是实现血液与组织间的物质交换。
- The value concept performs dominant function in the social life.It affects the people's idea and practice from omnibearing. 在社会生活中,价值观念起主导作用,从而全方位的影响着人们的理念及实践活动。
- Since the ISFP's dominant function to their personality is Introverted Feeling, they must balance this with an auxiliary Extraverted Sensing function. ISFP的主导功能是内倾情感,必须有辅助功能外倾感觉觉来平衡。
- Roman Catholicism: 3 differences from Protestanism. 天主教与天主教的三方面不同。
- To begin with, it is necessary for the political superintendents of higher education display dominant function in the adjustment. 学分制在实施过程中的不完善以及学校人事分配制度改革的不完善等。
- The farmer paid 3 laborers to gather the crop. 农场主雇佣3名工人收割庄稼。
- These fish vary in weight from 3 lb to 5 lb. 这些鱼的重量从3磅到5磅不等。
- When the dominant function of Introverted Feeling overshadows everything else, the ISFP can't use Extraverted Sensing to take in information in a truly objective fashion. 当内倾情感作为主导功能使其他一切被压抑,ISFP会无法运用他的外倾感觉来真实客观地搜集信息。
- He lives 3 miles away from here. 他住在距离这里三英里的地方。
- I'm tied up in a meeting until 3 pm. 我开会直到下午三点钟方可脱身。
- Mr. and Mrs. Jones have 3 daughters. 仲斯夫妇有三个女儿。