- He laboured in the mines for 3 0 years . 他在矿里工作了30年。
- The performances will commence form 6 : 3 0 p.m. 演出将于晚6点30分开始。
- They print off 3 0 0 0 copies a day . 他们一天印刷3000份。
- They print off 3 0 0 0 copies a day. 他们一天印刷3000份。
- If you divide 6 into 3 0 , the answer is 5 . 你如以6除30,答案为5。
- This hotel sleeps 3 0 0 guests . 这家旅馆可供300人住宿。
- We rated the house as worth $3 0 0 0 0 . 我们估计这幢房子值30000美元。
- The theatre is small and admits only 3 0 0 people . 这个剧场很小,只能容纳三百人。
- Size 5 5 1 6 0 2 sq km. 3 0 0 0 km long coastline. 面积551602平方千米。
- Mr. Hi 1 1 polled 3 0 0 0 votes . 希尔先生获得3000多选票。
- L T E .R - F H S .D R 3 0 0 2 D B ? 如发现有侵权,请来信告知,本站将会以最快的速度删除和改正。
- They assigned 3 0 per cent of their manpower to help the peasants . 他们派了百分之三十的人力支援农民。
- This early bus from the village connects with the 8 : 3 0 train . 村子里开出的早班公共汽车与8点30分那趟火车相衔接。
- He missed the 9 : 3 0 train and therefore missed the accident . 他没赶上9点30分的那班火车,也因此逃过了那次车祸。
- Several of Dickens's novels were screened in the 1 9 3 0's . 狄更斯的好几部小说在30年代就拍成了电影。
- He launched a new business enterprise when he was 3 0 years old . 他30岁时创办了一个新企业。
- He condensed his essay from 3 0 0 0 to 1 5 0 0 words . 他把他的文章由3000词缩短到1500词。
- M i c r o s o f t W o r d - r e c o r d - 4 - 2 6 - 9 3 0 4 ... 九十三年四月一日参加教育部技专校院授与副学士学位配套措施会议,各校须配合事项如.下:.壹、学位授与法部分条文修订草案.一、自中华民国九十三年一月十六日总统府...
- We are restricted to a speed of 3 0 miles an hour in built up areas . 在房屋林立的地区,车速限制为每小时30里。
- We are restricted to a speed of 3 0 miles an hour in built up areas. 在房屋林立的地区,车速限制为每小时30里。