- 于 at
- 这个家族的一支旁系于十八世纪在那个岛上定居下来。 An offshoot of the family settled down on the island in the eighteenth century.
- 系 system
- 把汉堡牛排放到烤架上。 Put the hamburgers on the grill.
- 饰带系于颈上作领带用的一块或一条织巾 A scarf or band of fabric worn around the neck as a tie.
- 致力于 commit oneself to
- 长在格子棚架上的蔷薇花 roses growing on a trellis
- 对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。 For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of, and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland.
- 起重机一种用连在活动架上的缆绳举起和移动重物的机器 A machine for hoisting and moving heavy objects by means of cables attached to a movable boom.
- 抗战局面的转机,实系于此。 On this hinges the favourable turn in the War of Resistance.
- 把这些架上的陶罐全都烧好要烧好几窑。 It will take several firings to clear the shelves of all these pots.
- 把牛套系于车 inspan
- 锚床船头的一臂架,当锚放到锚架上时可用来放锚的钩尖 A ledge on the bow of a ship on which the bill of an anchor rests when the anchor is secured to the cathead.
- 成败系于此举 stand or fall by this
- 瓶子在下层搁架上。 The bottle is on the lower shelf.
- 台湾前途系于祖国统一。 The future of Taiwan lies in the reunification of the motherland.
- 杯子应搁在橱架上。 The cups belong on the shelf.
- 何物系于我 What would still remain of me
- 烧烤放在烤架上烤 To broil on a gridiron.
- 将马系于马车 harness (up) a horse to a carriage