- clinker brick (质地紧密,防酸防潮,吸水率低) 缸化砖
- 熟料 grog refractory
- 水泥熟料 clinker
- 无熟料水泥 clinker-free cement
- 白云石熟料 clinker dolomite
- 熟料由库底计量设备卸出后,用带式输送机送入水泥磨。 Clinker will be fed to cement mill by belt conveyor after discharged by weighing machines at the bottom of silos.
- 熟料过筛 grading of grog
- 波特兰水泥熟料 Portland cement clinker
- 熟料磨 clinker grinding mill
- 熟料粉 chamotte powder
- 熟料厂 grog mill
- 熟料圈 clinker ring
- 熟料砂 chamotte sand
- 熟料窑 chamotte kiln
- 熟料砖 chamotte brick
- 无熟料 Clinker less
- 烧熟料 [机] overburnt material
- 熟料比 agglomerate ratio
- 利用钛石膏和粉煤灰及矿渣研制少熟料新型复合胶凝材料 Development of new cement with a little amount of clinker by using titanium gyp sum, pfa and slag
- 粘土熟料 chamotte