- 几种类似于灯心草的任何一种,尤指美国南部松树脊地的任何一种。 Any of several rushlike plants,especially of the pine barrens of southern United States.
- 美国 United States
- 棉花地带-指美国南部和东南部产棉区 Cotton Belt
- 美国北部各州在1865年打败了南部各州。 The North defeated the South in 1865.
- 指 finger
- 但是南部各州却想建立他们自己的国家,在那里他们有保留黑奴的自由。 But the Southern states wanted to set up a country of their own, where they would be free to keep black slaves.
- [美]南部各州(的,地) N., adj., adv.
- 西班牙铜币美国南部某些地方过去用的西班牙一美国半现金钱币 A Spanish-American half-real piece formerly used in parts of the southern United States.
- 雾谷(指美国国务院) Foggy Bottom
- 南部各州通过了他们自己的法律。继续把黑人和白人分开。 The South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites.
- 牛仔尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的男子 A hired man, especially in the western United States, who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback.
- 南部各州所受的不幸,唯有靠两大种族同心协力、和谐共事,才能消除或弥补。 The evils which afflict the Southern States can only be removed or remedied by the united and harmonious efforts of both races
- 亡命徒:胆大妄为、铤而走险的歹徒,尤指美国边境的匪徒。 A bold or desperate outlaw, especially of the American frontier.
- 在南部各州黑人没有选举权。如果他们想投票,就必须通过一个阅读测验。 Black people had no right to vote in the southern states. If they wished to, they had to pass a reading test.
- 美国南部殖民地时期建筑中用于框架构件中间的石块和沙浆填充料 pierrotage
- 指美国三十年代的经济危机。 the economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash in 1929 and continuing through the 1930s.
- 高顶宽边的一种草帽;美国南部和墨西哥人戴这种帽子。 a straw hat with a tall crown and broad brim; worn in American southwest and in Mexico.
- [美]空中堡垒(指美国在第二次世界大战中使用的四引擎重型轰炸机) Flying F-
- 11个南部各州,于1861年分离出美国。 The 11 southern states that seceded from the United States in 1861.
- 尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的男子 a hired man,especially in the western United States,who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback