- 她在书桌的抽屉里放了一些钱。 She kept some money in her desk drawer.
- 抽屉里的东西很杂乱。 The things in the drawer were all in a jumble.
- 最上面的抽屉是放刀叉的. The top drawer is the one with the cutlery in.
- 我在抽屉翻找。 I had a rummage in drawers.
- 那抽屉里有邮票吗? Are there any stamps in that drawer?
- 像食橱的储藏柜或有门、架子和抽屉的家具;用于储藏或展示。 a cupboard-like repository or piece of furniture with doors and shelves and drawers; for storage or display.
- 在抽屉的一角塞入东西 to wedge something into a corner of the drawer
- 她拉开抽屉,拿出一双短袜 She opened the drawer and took out a pair of socks
- 抽屉里的东西乱七八糟。 The contents of the drawers were strewn all over the place.
- 他拉开抽屉。 He slid the drawer open.
- 拉开抽屉 open the drawer
- 橱柜中抽屉下的滑轮则推拉无声,推拉时手感顺骨,无滞涩感。 The pulley below the drawer in ambry criterion push-pull is breathed, the feel when push-pull arranges bone, without sluggish acerbity feeling.
- 他把画取下来,放到抽屉里。 He removed the pictures and put them in the drawer.
- 我打开抽屉。 I open my drawer.
- 她把衣服折叠好放进抽屉里。 She folded her dress up and put it in a drawer .
- 这个抽屉看来是有人撬开过的。 The drawer looks as if it has been burst into.
- 钱在抽屉里。 The money is in the drawer.
- 清理抽屉、 柜橱等. tidy out one's drawers, a cupboard, etc
- 身材袖珍;抽屉的小厨柜;她瘦小的外形;纤细的足。 diminutive in stature; a lilliputian chest of drawers; her petite figure; tiny feet.
- 它放在那个抽屉里。 It's in that drawer.