- FEEL-90 SCL-90
- 用于表示感觉的动词之后,如seem,appear,feel,look,smell 等动词 used after vs of perception,eg seem,appear,feel,look,smell
- 用于表示感觉的动词之后,如seem,appear,feel,look,smell等动词 Used after vs of perception,eg seem,appear,feel,look,smell
- “夫人”很安稳地靠坐在长沙发椅上。 The Signora rested safely on her couch.
- 我心里七上八下,坐也不安稳。 I had got so uneasy I could not set still.
- 维思特波思不安稳地睡着了。 Winterborne fell into a fitful sleep.
- 助您建立安稳的退休财务计划。 As part of your financial plan for retirement.
- 昏则定晚上要让他们睡的安稳。 At night, be sure that they sleep well.
- 我问心无愧,那晚上睡得很安稳。 With a clean conscience,I enjoyed a blessed sleep that night.
- PTA装置自动控制系统实现安稳运行的对策 The Countermeasures to Realize the Safety and Stable Running of Automatic Control System in PTA Plant
- 外人作保的,必受亏损。恨恶击掌的,却得安稳。 He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.
- 一个长夜安稳的睡眠后,马克感到有如新生一般。 After a long night of restful sleep, Mark felt like a new man.
- 公义的果效必是平安,公义的效验必是平静与安稳,直到永远。 And the work of righteousness shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.
- 在那个好心肠的当铺老板睡安稳以前,他们是不可能采取任何行动的。 They can hardly take any steps until the good pawnbroker is safely in bed
- 3虽有军兵安营攻击我,我的心也不害怕。虽然兴起刀兵攻击我,我必仍旧安稳。 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
- 躺在别人的成就里,抄袭者能过得安稳吗?他怎么就能不对自己的行为感到羞耻呢? can a copycat lead a peaceful life when resting on others' laurel? How can't he be ashamed of his deeds?
- 这是世界的一个小角落,与世隔绝,万分安稳,散发着浪漫的气息,是一个梦想之园,魔幻之国。 It was a tiny corner of the world, shut off, discrete, distilling romance, a garden of dreams, of enchantments.
- 慈悲的师父得知这个消息后,迅即捐出一笔款项,并指示同修立刻为这户人家搭盖一坚固安稳的房子。 When our merciful Master learned about their situation, She immediately contributed a sum of money and instructed fellow disciples to quickly build a firm and stable house for the family.
- 本周随着伊普斯维奇五名妓女被杀案两名嫌疑人的落网,参与此案调查的众多警察兄弟们快能睡个安稳觉了。 The arrests this week of two men in connection with the murders of five prostitutes in Ipswich may bring a little closer the prospect of sleep for many of the officers involved in the investigation.
- 五段式独立筒弹簧,极富弹性,SCHLARAFFIA自己研发的专利权---增强肩膀部位,柔软、舒适的嵌入型独立筒,能让人安稳入眠、甜睡。 5 zone barrel ?shaped pocket spring core system with specific elasticity.Made according to the patented SCHLARAFFIA insertion system with soft shoulder comfort zones.With reinforced core cover for permanent sleeping comfort.