- 困 a bunch
- 盘龙 pelycosaur
- 接龙 build up a sequence
- 困住 box up
- 龙舌兰 maguey
- 被困 get trapped
- 浅滩 riffle
- 龙猫 galesaur
- 困局 predicament
- 龙的 abortive
- 龙的传人 descendants of the dragon
- 多浅滩的海峡 a shoaly channel
- 犯困 feel sleepy; feel drowsy; be half asleep
- 龙舌兰酒 pulque
- 在浅滩上设立标识 beacon the shoals
- 受困 stalemate
- 卧虎藏龙 undiscovered talents
- 他们常去浅滩拾蛤蜊。 They often go clamming.
- 欧姆龙 Omron
- 受困于 lock into