- 高阶QAM信号 higher order QAM
- 一种适合高阶QAM的快速载波恢复电路 A Fast Carrier Recovery Circuit for High-Order QAM
- 一种适用于高阶QAM信号的水声信道盲均衡算法 Making Blind Algorithm of Multipath Fading Underwater Acoustic Channels Suitable for High Order QAM Signals
- 变速率QAM调制 Variable Rate QAM
- 高阶QAM信号的多级盲相位估计方法及其性能仿真 The Multi-stage Blind Phase Estimation Algorithms for High Order QAM Signals and the Simulations of their Performances
- 对高阶QAM信号盲载波相位捕获算法的一种改进方法 Method to improve the performance of blind carrier phase acquisition algorithms for high order QAM signals
- 高阶调制 High order modulation
- 在生态塔中,通常高阶者较少。导致生态塔上下颠倒的可能例外为 In ecological pyramids normally every higher trophic level is smaller. Possible
- 高阶并行相位调制 multilevel parallel phase modulation
- 王室最高军务官王室的高阶官员,尤指帮助君主处理军事事务的人 A high official in a royal court, especially one aiding the sovereign in military affairs.
- 实Clifford分析中含两个奇点的拟Bochner-Martinelli型高阶奇异积分 Quasi-Bochner-Martinelli-Type High Order Singular Integral with Two Singular Points in Real Clifford Analysis
- 一位台湾的高阶卫生官员在十月时宣布,台湾无法冒险等待罗氏药厂的正式许可。 A top health official in Taiwan announced in October that the island-nation could not risk waiting for official permission from Roche.
- 高阶调制与好码的结合问题 On the combination of good codes and high order modulations
- 高阶求导 higher derivation
- 高阶合并 high order merge
- 高阶矩 higher moment
- 高阶谱 higher order spectrum
- 高阶UKF high order UKF
- 高阶SVD higher order SVD (HOSVD)
- 高阶导数 higher derivative