- 她昂着头,高视阔步走出了房间。 She stalked out of the room, her head high.
- 她高视阔步。 She stalked along .
- 高视阔步;趾高气扬地走 Struts out: walk with a proud gait
- 此人气宇轩昂,不同流俗。 His dignified bearing marks him out from the common run of men.
- 她昂着头,高视阔步走出了房间。 She stalked out of the room, her head high.
- 此人气宇轩昂。 This person has an imposing appearance.
- 身材高大,气宇轩昂 tall and imposing-looking
- 他高视阔步、自我陶醉,简直成了笑柄。 He struts about so full of himself that he is a laughingstock.
- 吉米看起来气宇轩昂。 Jimmy looks like a million dollars.
- 这会儿咱们可以手挽着手儿,高视阔步地走了。 Now we'll strut arm and arm.
- 他气宇轩昂,温文尔雅,举止潇洒。 His manner was aristocratic, his movements dapper and suave.
- 气宇轩昂 dignified and distinguished-looking
- 这会儿咱们可以手挽着手儿,高视阔步地走了。 Now we'll strut arm and arm.
- 乔治屹然起身,气宇轩昂地伸出手来。 George stood up like a rock, and put out his hand with the air of a prince.
- 他气宇轩昂,温文尔雅,举止潇洒。 His manner was aristocratic, his movements dapper and suave.
- 高新区 high and new technology industrial development zone
- 要求高 expect much
- 骑士气宇非凡。 The chevalier was splendid
- 本来雄视阔步的事业 And enterprises of great pith and moment
- 气宇轩昂的男子 dasher